Is it me, or is it just me?

Monday, Aug. 23, 2004 19:07

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Another nice weekend has passed. I treated myself to two movies. I'm pretty sure the second one had more to do with Parmesan Garlic Popcorn than the burning desire to see the movie. Nana and I took Boy and his friend to the movies on Saturday. It was his first time being allowed to go without an adult. There was no getting me to sit through "Alien vs. Predator" when "Garden State" was showing at the same time, just down the hall. A good time was indeed had by all. I recommend "Garden State" to those friends of mine who enjoy the quirky character-driven films.

I decided, yesterday, that I've got to get myself into a more positive mode. I'm not sure if it's because I'm surrounded by so much negativity, or if it's just me, but it's taking more and more to make me smile these days. I've taken to spending any free time prone on my bed watching DVD's. Yeah, that's fine when I'm chomping my way through season 2 of "Six Feet Under", but when I'm spending a beautiful summer Saturday plodding through season 1 of "Starsky & Hutch", it's a problem. (Some things are better left to memory.)

My romance with the perfect job has hit a snag and I'm not sure if it's CWF and Hubband's opinion or mine that's at the root. I'm definately not happy with how things have gone with the Canada trip. I found out today that my expenses are being delayed at least a week. Since I've had to put that on my personal card, I find this annoying. Especially, since it's a procedural issue that should be documented somewhere and easy to look up. But it's more than that. I am just not getting the warm fuzzies I was used to. Again, is it me or them? Is my attitude faltering and therefore causing a lack of love on the part of management? Or is management's dismissive attitude causing me flat not give a crap.

The horns of a dilemma, it seems.

I'm bored of the Olympics. All the swimmer boys have won their medals and it seems to have taken the fun out of the games. Also, I'd prefer it if every other time I hear about someone's winning of a medal, there isn't some immediate follow up story on how the judges cheated or the athlete was on drugs. (Can anyone really think they're going to get away with that anymore?)

There are definate signs of fall in the air. Leaves are changing already. As one Canadian coworker put it, the month has been "spectacularly unsunny". Hubband is having to pick up crab apples out of the yard so he can mow tomorrow. Dusk is coming on the brink of Prime Time and it's dark when I get up. I'm starting to crave the apple cider and am hoping it will be a better year for it than last. I want to dress in tweeds and wear socks again. Oh, yeah. And there's football.

Speaking of which, I'm a bit chilly and need to eat.

3 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
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Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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