A Little Pat - Backwise.

Sunday, Sept. 26, 2004 13:36

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I'm swinging between feeling bone tired and feeling really great today. Why? Because I'm actually accomplishing some of the things I've set out to do today. So far, I've managed to make the bed, put away all my clothes, swap my summer for winter wear, remove my old nail polish, shower, dress, wash the dishes, make my lunch, coach boy through making his lunch, clean out the fridge, make a grocery list, make some iced tea, charge my phone, and pay all the bills.

There are still some more things to do. I need to go to the grocery store and I need to clean the craft room and I want to buy some Mums and pumpkins for the yard. And I need to balance the checkbook and buy some stamps. And I think that might be it.

It is amazing how much I can get done - and want to do - when the Hubband is away and the day is perfect and I've gotten enough sleep.

I know I've mentioned before that our neighbor across the way is a mortician. "Digger" is one of those guys who knows everyone - and I do mean everyone. About every third car that drives down the street stops to chat with him. All of the neighborhood kids stop in his yard. He reminds me a lot of the Hubband. Always outside with a beer working on the yard and avoiding his wife. Therefore, I was not surprised when Hubband spent an unusual amount of time on his nightly rounds of the property. Seems he and Digger were having quite the conversation.

Digger has no children of his own now, but he once had a son and daughter. One day they planned to go skiing - all three of them - and were going to take a small plane Up North. At the last minute, Digger had a funeral to attend to and decided to drive up and meet the kids later. The plane crashed, killing both of his children. If that isn't horrific enough, he insisted on doing all the "work" on them himself. I'm not sure I'd be strong enough to do that, but I can understand why he would want to. How could he trust someone else to do the job right?

I had only ever heard bits and pieces of this story from neighbors and acquaintences. I guess Hubband got the full story that night and it didn't set well with him. He ended up sleeping poorly and very hung over the next day. I think maybe they might remind each other of their lost ones.

Okay. I'm off to balance the checkbook. Have a nice day.

2 comments so far

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Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
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