
skibigsky - 2005-06-23 13:50:00
Doh! I knew you were going in for surgery, and then totally spaced it out, what with being so wrapped up in my own life. I'm SO glad that things went well!
Jim515 - 2005-06-24 00:50:11
I second the "Glad things went well" sentiment (I wonder--If I have perfect vision, then get Lasik, would I then have, like, X-ray vision...?)
kookla - 2005-06-25 18:49:34
I'm sorry I haven't been too "with it" here-- but very glad your doing well after surgery. Yours sounds way diff. than mine, except for the bright light bothering you (hell, any light for awhile!) I did have to wear an eye patch for about a week and it was hard to sleep in, but not as bad as googles, I'm sure. Hugs :)
kookla - 2005-06-25 18:49:47
I'm sorry I haven't been too "with it" here-- but very glad you're doing well after surgery. Yours sounds way diff. than mine, except for the bright light bothering you (hell, any light for awhile!) I did have to wear an eye patch for about a week and it was hard to sleep in, but not as bad as googles, I'm sure. Hugs :)
kookla - 2005-06-25 18:50:39
oh poo!

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