
Jim515 - 2006-01-25 12:56:17
I'd like to join a gym this year (One of my job's few "benefits" is that they pay the initial membership fee at the nearby 24 Hour Fitness. You still have to pay the $35 a month--which I don't have right now--but it's SOMETHING, at least). But enough about me...Imho, in the debate over "To Gym Or Not To Gym", "I can already feel the benefits" wins out by a country mile over "The soap sucks" and "I'm intimidated by the equipment and the hotties who use it". You're going to look better, you're going to feel better, you're going to feel better about yourself for doing it, and you may just live longer (You'll certainly have a better "quality of life" in any case). And for what it's worth, I'm all for a long-lived Caribou :)
kookla-foo - 2006-02-09 15:34:24
I'm just now reading this, and you're very welcome! So glad you got it and made use of said giftie. :p

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