
kookla - 2006-07-23 13:11:45
This is weird... just catching up on your journal, and didn't know about the reunion. Last night I had a dream with one of our classmates in it, and had no idea why-- it was R. Bruno. So, did anyone ask about me>> I'm happily married, is the correct answer! :P
Cate - 2006-07-23 20:33:02
I'm glad you can put such a positive spin on things. Helps put it more into perspective for me. I wish Dave had been there, and I'm sad and disbelieving about Jim still. Always such a sweet boy!
gail - 2006-07-24 02:09:18
I too dreamt about someone who was dead once, and he was happy and assured me he was fine. So who knows. Maybe he is indeed fine in another time/space continuum - and has a little blond daughter with him.
Jim515 - 2006-07-26 15:27:58
Gee...some time back, Tim F. mentioned (in an email) talk about a reunion combining a couple class years, but that was the last thing I heard about it till this (I couldn't have afforded to GO, of course, but STILL...) I don't know if dreams mean anything or not, but sometimes, you sort of hope they DO, huh?

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