Damn it's slow today...

Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004 09:33

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What was I thinking, complaining about the lack of drama in my life? When will I learn? Although, this really isn't affecting my life much, the drama surrounding the Big Boy has reared it's ugly head again. Poor Hubband received an abundance of phone calls last night (after he'd been in bed) from the X-wife and the Big Boy, each complaining about the other's behavior. This particular bit of stress stems from an incident so stupid, it's hard to believe. And this time even the Hubband cannot stand behind his son. The boy was wrong and should make right what he's done.

Which is where we run into the drama, since his father asked him to apologize last night, he said he would, and then didn't. Now he's got both parents upset. It's an ugly thing and no one involved seems to be able to look at this objectively. (Big Surprise!)

On the other hand, number two son is doing wonderfully! I am so proud! With the end of the first marking period in full view he is carrying an A+ in science (including 100% on the major project he had due yesterday!) and B's in every other class. This could be the first time he makes the Honor Roll all on his own!

(I will not gloat. I will not gloat. I will not gloat.)

On a more personal note, I did enjoy my long weekend. I had a quick and nearly painless dental experience on Friday. I had breakfast with my Dad, High Tea with CWF, and a great movie* with my Mom on Saturday. Sunday, I took a long hike at a local park in the most beautiful of autumn mornings, then spent the rest of the day doing...nothing. Monday I had lunch with one of my very best friends. I was glad to get to work so I could rest! (You'll notice no mention of painting. Oh, well!)

*The move we saw was "Friday Night Lights", and it was marvelous. Even though I knew how the movie would end (thanks to Jane Pauley and the uber-hype surrounding new movies), I was totally into it every step of the way. It reminded me why I love Billy Bob Thornton. (The guy may be a freak in real life, but he's an amazing actor.) It had a shirtless Tim McGraw (very furry), and I was actually sometimes able to forget he was Tim McGraw! A very good performance as the drunken dad. I laughed, I cried. I had to hide behind my Mommy during the particularly violent sequences.

My favorite thing, though, about this movie, was the way it brought me instantly back to my hometown football games. The crispness of the night air. The cold metal of the risers against my fanny. Clapping mittened hands. Burning my mouth on the hot chocolate. The marching band. My Dad. My best friend. The boys. The fun of being out after dark. The feeling of coming into the warm after the game and watching the news for the scores.

It's not the same where I live now. We have two high schools and where we live is more of an "area" than a "town". I don't get the same feeling of the importance of the game. There would be no calls from my son telling me he's staying "in town" until the game starts and could I pick him up after. Just the same, the movie made me want to buy a ticket and see a game this season.

Or maybe just go to a band competition. That was always my favorite part, anyway.

1 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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