Infected Again

Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2005 09:45

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I hadn't realized I was MIA for so long. Everything's fine, in the general sense of the word. Time just seems to be short; moving faster.

I am battling another sinus infection. Unpleasant, to say the least. My head hurts from my eyebrows to my neck and feels as though it is stuffed with cotton, except for my nose which feels as if pencils have been jammed up it's openings. I have discovered the joys of nasal spray ("nosal" as it's known in our house) and am trying to limit it's use to two times a day. I know it is not good for me and can become addicting, but it's the only thing that will keep me from feeling like I want to die.

In addition to our trip to Baltimore this spring, we've put in our bid to purchase some package tickets for five summer concerts. If we get these, it will certainly fill the calendar. We've already got our All-Star Sunday tickets. We may be going away for the Boy's birthday, too. Can't decide. Then, this weekend, CWF started talking seriously about our planned trip to NYC in October. She is a whiz at travel on the cheap and assures me that we can share a room and get by on less than $100 a day. I know this is a lot, but I keep thinking, what if I were to not do it and then regret it forever? And what if forever is not as long as I think?

We have a friend who is dying. A wonderful young woman (early 30's) who's been sick for as long as I've known her. Up until this past year, you wouldn't know she was sick to look at her. She looked healthy and athletic and full of life. She's funny and sweet and never let anyone pity her. I saw her last in late summer, but by Christmas she could no longer leave her house. She's been in the hospital for about three weeks. Apparently, there are arguments among the family regarding her DNR order. Anyone who knows her even a little knows that she would want the order to stand, and in the end, I think her family will come around to her peace as well. The rest of us are just waiting for the phone to ring.

In getting our last update regarding her health, we found out some mutual friends have filed for divorce. This was long overdue; there was never anything but anger between them that I could see. It still makes me sad, though. I hate to see all these marriages fall apart.

They tried to fire RT at work this past week. For now she's still here. It must be horrible to know they're out to get you and still need the paycheck so bad you can't leave. Boss Woman's plans to have individual meetings with all of us backfired when each of us gave the same story: RT has turned herself around 180 and it is the new Team Leader that needs the attitude adjustment because her militant way of making us know she's in charge is not working. It's been a week or two of closed doors and whispering and feeling like anything you say can, and will, be used against you. (And, apparently, the Boss Woman was totally surprised to find me defending RT. I give credit where credit is due.)

Jeez, this is depressing!

The good news is that it is now dawning when we get up in the morning and stays light out until well past 6pm. Depending upon which weather forcast one listens to, it may be as much as only 10 degrees below the normal for this time of year!! Birds are returning in abundance and the snow is starting to melt off gradually. I am confident Spring will return. If not as scheduled, then at least sometime thereafter.

I am still working on the rules for my new eating plan. (I know. Denial is not just a river...) My latest rule is no ice cream. After two incidents - one which almost turned into a spectacular accident at work - I have determined my body can no longer tolerate ice cream. I must break off our relationship entirely. It's sad, but for my own good.

Also, it is Easter - the finest of the candy seasons. I have only succumbed to one Reese*s PB Egg, so far. But I fear the Sweet*Tart bunnies, chicks, and ducklings are having to go the way of the ice cream. I cannot just eat one or two and more than that gives me stomach pain the likes of which I was hoping not to see again. (Just for the record, I'm finding the candy much easier to give up than the ice cream, since my throat is screaming for something cold and creamy.)

I have more to write, but little time to write it at the moment. Will catch up later, my darlings.

1 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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