Eleven Years, Two Months, Twelve Days

Sunday, Aug. 04, 2002 18:41

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Last night's our-marriage-is-way-better-than-yours-was party was a success. Many people didn't show, due to out-of-towness or alternative arrangements, but the 15 people that did come had a good time. I got to see the JB's, whom I've missed terribly. They were wonderful. I got to spend literally hours chatting with our friend Mary, who used to sit for Max when he was a baby. She's now a high school science teacher. She's pretty awesome. And, while High-School Friend couldn't make it because she was camping in the U.P. with her husband's brother (who I've slept with, but that's another story all together cause we're both married now!), her husband's sister did come and she was way fun. (Plus brought some yummy bread that I think I need the recipe for!)

I had two beers and didn't seem to want to get drunk so I just enjoyed the company. As a matter of fact, only Obnoxious Neighbor got drunk. They were drinking Vodka and blue Gatorade ~ um, yuk. But mostly it was just nice hanging out with the friends, laughing about things like what we used to watch on T.V. and what cereals we used to eat. Fun.

Mary and Debbie (the Sister) stayed into the wee hours, discussing religion and such with Hubband and I. Since no one was drunk we didn't even escalate it to ridiculous go-rounds. We also discussed how much we loved each other that we could have a successful marriage in this day and age.

Oh, and the Stamp Convention was cool, too. I got a ton of cool things. I got out early enough to catch a movie ("Signs", which I enjoyed right up until the last five minutes or so).

Today we did dinner with the Grandma to celebrate my upcoming 39th birthday. She gave me pepper grinder and a cast iron grill pan. She follows direction really well! :)

You all have a good Sunday evening. I have to work tomorrow. Wish I didn't. I need my rest.

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