Justification, thy name is Caribou.

Saturday, Jan. 12, 2002 22:58

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Nice Saturday.

Hubband is planning to spend tomorrow watching footbal at the Squirrel's house so I got to run away today. I grabbed Nana and Grandma and we had ourselves a chick day. We started with lunch at Dobski's, this really great old restaurant that serves the best home cooking. I rarely get to go there because they're not open on Sundays. (Which you all know is designated "Take Your Grandma To Dinner Day".) Afterward we did a little shopping at Organized Living and then saw an afternoon showing of "In The Bedroom".

I'll say this: That movie was absolutely nothing like what I thought it would be. For a change the previews I've seen did not give away the plot. Not even a little bit of it. I'm not sure if I liked it or not. Well made movie with quality acting, but a little long. I think I would trim a few of the scenes where Dr. Fowler is mowing the lawn.

The audience didn't help much. There were four women behind us who were discussing every detail of the movie in bedroom voice. Finally, they shut up and some woman behind them blurted out what she thought the ending might be (obvious by that point, anyway). I cracked up when one of the women behind me asked her to be quiet! The people in front of us were eating chili, spicey from the smell of it, and several people had cell phones going off. (I'll never understand that. They f'in' TELL you to shut off your phone!!!! If you can't untether yourself for a couple of hours you might want to wait for the DVD.)

Anywho, movie over and a nice freezing slush is falling so we took Grandma home and went shopping for chairs. I had left the house with the idea that I would like to replace our living room chair. The one we have was bought on clearance for $98 about five years ago and has long since fullfilled it's life expectancy. I ended up finding a beautiful Barcalounger at my favorite furniture store. I was able to pick out the color of the leather (golden tan) and the color of the wood (golden oak to match what we have) and got the leather and wood care packages, the lifetime guarantee, etc.

It only cost about four times as much as I intended on paying.

We made a vow a long time ago, though, that we would think of future furniture as investments and not something we're going to be throwing away soon. I think this purchase qualifies.

I know it sounds like I have some huge recliner thing that will suck into it any poor unsuspecting soul that crosses its path, turning them to instant couch potatoes. But nooooo! This is a cool looking chair, very contemporary and casual.

It's going to take about 6 weeks but I'll get you a picture when it gets here and you'll see. I'm really not an old woman and I don't own any cats.

Speaking of which, the clincher on my buying the chair was when the woman said it was guaranteed against everything but gum and dogs. I told her that since Hubband won't let me have a dog, that it was a sign from God that I should have this chair.

Justification, thy name is Caribou!

So then I got home in time to see the "Buffy" recast. (Jeez, that Spike is some horndog, eh?) I read to Little Boy from the book of Harry Potter (we've been wallowing in the last two chapters through my lingering illness). The Big Boy came after work and we had Chinese. Now he and Hubband are watching a Woody Allen movie and I'm off to catch the all-new "Trading Spaces". (Can't stand Woody Allen, never could. "Bullets Over Broadway" is about the only movie of his I've ever liked. I just think his ego overrides his casting judgement most of the time.)

So, until tomorrow...

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