I've been possessed by Martha Stewart

Thursday, Dec. 06, 2001 08:24

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I promise that once this weekend is over I'll make time to update on a more regular basis.

We're having our annual Christmas bash this Saturday. We've had this party about 9 years in a row, now. It started as a small gathering of friends when Little Boy was a toddler. We had about 11 people that year. A little finger foods and a little beer.

When we moved into the house, we gave up some square footage of party space (yes, our apartment was larger than our home). We also realized we were missing a lot of our friends because they had other things going on that night.

So we changed it from a "party" to an "open house". And we started inviting our families. And our neighbors. And basically everyone we ever met.

It's always the 2nd Saturday in December (because we found that was early enough to not interfere too much with people's family plans). It always starts at 2:00 in the afternoon. It always ends when we really can't stand up any more and have to ask people to leave. (Actually, we've only had to do that once and that was with our neighbor.)

It's just a fun day full of people dropping in and sharing in our holiday fun. Some bring their kids and some bring their friends. We've upgraded the menu to include more substantial fare and we always get a keg. (But with so many people in and out all day, we've rarely had to take anyone's keys.)

What was my point?


But my getting sick last week has really put a crimp in the preparations and now I find myself completely too pressed for time in every other area of my life. I haven't been to the gym but once since before Halloween (I KNOW! It's not good at all!) and my eating is all out of whack.

I have kicked the Starbucks' habit, though. Course, I've traded it for the Coke over cracked ice habit that occurs during illness.

Between the homemade cards (I confess, I supplemented with regular cards in a 2:1 ratio over handmade), the reindeer candy canes for the kids, the fudge, the cookies and "Buffy" - I just don't have time for things like writing.

Again, total life adjustment in order for me after this weekend.

I swear!

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