I want Meg Ryan's hair!

Sunday, Nov. 18, 2001 22:16

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I'm having such a hard time adjusting to real life. I just want to nap all the time. It's barely 10:00 and I want to go to bed but I slept until after 8:00 so shouldn't I be wide awake.

It's probably the pasta and cookies.

I burned a bunch of cookies today. I never used to do that so I think it's my oven. I burned one batch really bad because I was trying to finish up the Little Boy's homework (YAY! WE DID!) and totally forgot they were in the damned oven!

That's okay, I didn't tell Hubband to buy a giant tub of cookie dough, did I?

Earlier today I was watching the Meg Ryan channel (the last half hour of "When Harry Met Sally" this afternoon and then a few minutes of "Sleepless In Seattle" - the part where Tom Hanks first sees Meg Ryan deboarding the plane - this evening) and I just can never get over how damned adorable she is. I mean, she always looks wonderfully goofy but beautiful at the same time. Like the one cheerleader on the squad who was not only athletic and pretty but nice, too, you know? (Okay, there really wasn't one of those but imagine if there were!)

Anyway, when I think of Meg Ryan I always think of her mouth and how it must drive men (and women who are so inclined) crazy the way it kind of curls up and down at the same time. Then I think of her hair. I've always wanted hair like Meg Ryan's. Which is ironic, really, because of all my attributes, I am most grateful for my thick head of curly hair.

However, a thick head of curly hair comes with it's own price. It can only be cut one way. It can only be styled one way - that one way being the choice of the hair and not the bearer of the hair. It grows horribly slow so that just about the time Summer is over one feels possessed to go Florence Henderson shag on it. It's taken forever (only about 20 years actually) for me to come to terms with it.

Still...When Meg Ryan is standing there on top of the Empire State Building with her long blond hair in that lovely loose French Braid and the wind blowing tendrils ever so gently about her face I am so envious.

If I tried to do my hair like that (and I have) the tendrils would get caught in my lip gloss and when I tried to brush them back I would end up pull loose a huge chunk of braid. All during the evening tiny curls would spring from the braid demanding their freedom until eventually the barrette falls out just from lack of anything substantial to grip.

I won't even go into the tinyness quotent here. It's not worth the emotional havoc.

Well, tomorrow is another day at work. I'll spend an hour talking about my vacation, another hour weeding out the junk from my email and then probably try to figure out how to do my job again.

I love a vacation where you can forget everything...

...right up until the moment I have to come back.


I'm up to the R's now, so if you would all stop updating while I finish catching up it would be greatly appreciated.

Lord knows how long it will take me to get through Uncle Bob!

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