
Friday, Nov. 01, 2002 16:49

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One thing about working full time...the week speeds by.

As weeks go, this one hasn't been quite as bad as some recently. I managed to get a lot accomplished. I managed to kiss and make up with Programmer Dude. (Meaning I learned to live with some of his issues.) I found another guy who has issues with me and I worked those out as well. It made me feel better.

Hubband found out that the payroll error they made (and he was just going to ignore cause he's that kind of guy) will be corrected on his next pay. They called him to apologize. Nice.

Last night, I so enjoyed Trick or Treating with Boy. The perfect evening for walking. Just enough cold to the air. I had worried that we would get wet as it was raining on the way home and as we set out. But two houses later it stopped and turned into perfect crispy darkness. And we both enjoyed the activity for a change.

And today? The perfect November day. My morning commute was punctuated by brief drives through storms of windblown leaves, turned golden with the dawning sun. So gorgeous. When I got to work, I told JBH we should call work on account of prettiness. He agreed and told me to get the hell out at noon. NOON! An entire afternoon with NO PLANS! Of course, by the time I got out there, the sun had taken a fade, but it was wonderful. I stopped at the talking book store, then got a chai, then went to Edd1e B@uer where I did a little shopping for me!

When I came out it was snowing! How perfect is that? Beautiful, fluffy snow flakes dancing through the wind. The very transition of autumn into winter. (Yes, no matter what the calendar says, in Michigan, November is Winter. As is March and sometimes April!) It put me in such a mood, I stopped at S@m's and did some Christmas shopping.

Now, I am going to use the rest of my evening productively. I got some stuff to get off my to-do list and I'm feeling pretty much like doing it!

Enjoy the weekend!

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Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
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Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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