Rain + Heat = Steam

Sunday, Jul. 21, 2002 20:25

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Well, this is why one shouldn't get their heart set on plans.

We didn't get to go swimming. By the time we got dressed and ready to go, a storm had started a-brewin'. We got to the gym but they had closed the pool until the "weather" cleared up.


So we drove back home in the now blinding rainstorm. I didn't mind it one bit, since a car is one of my favorite places to be in bad weather, but Boy has a problem with storms. He faired pretty well, though, since there wasn't much he could do about it.

When we arrived back home, Big Boy was here. The three of us sat down to another game of Spider-Man Monopoly while Hubband went about his cleaning tasks for company. (NOTE: I no longer feel guilty about this sort of thing because I'm doing my flybaby thing and cleaning every day. He just does it out of habit.) I made short work of the Big Boy and used his funds to do away with Boy a few minutes later.

Big Boy left and then Assistant Principal and wife arrived with some of the best pasta and fruit salads I've ever tasted. They also brought a bottle of Traverse City Reisling that was so yummy. By this time it had finished raining so we were able to eat outside after all and enjoy the cool breeze of the front passing. (It is now sticky again, however.)

It was fun visiting with them. AP and I discussed cooking and gardening, as we both have the less hectic schedules right now.

I've decided I love cooking. It's so fun to have people ooh and ahh over a dish and then also get to enjoy it myself. It's difficult to have that kind of objectivity with my other creative outlets. If cooking turns out bad, everyone knows it. We're saving a ton of money, too. Haven't eaten dinner out in over a week.

Well, dishes are done and Hubband is having beers on the deck with Obnoxious Neighbor. (Me thinks he might be a little hung tomorrow morning, but that won't be my problem, will it?) I think I'm going to lounge on the sofa with the remote or maybe my book.

Happy Monday, tomorrow!

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