Weird day.

Monday, Jan. 21, 2002 19:45

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I've decided, while I prefer having the afternoon off to working a full day, I don't really like having the afternoon off. It's been weird. I purposely got up at my usual time. Hubband had the whole day off and I could have slept in, but then I would have had to work into the afternoon. Getting to work at 7am meant I got to leave work at 11am.

Work was just a horribly boring continuation of Friday. Computer still fried, email inaccessible, couldn't even log onto the network until after 9am. I finished a few things from last week, chatted for hours with Joy and then we boogied.

Arrived home and had obligitory "we're home and the boy isn't" sex. Not exactly in the mood but our house is tiny, tiny and we can't afford to pass up the opportunity. Afterward we went to lunch at a restaurant I don't particularly care for but we had gift certificates. Hubband likes it cause it's a brewery, but I just think the food is pretentious. California Cuisine might be nice out west but here we prefer beef in our tacos, not fish, and we rarely order avocados on anything.

After some minor errand running we returned home and I gave into PMS. I curled up on the bed with our warmest blanket and watched the two-hour season finale of "Buffy" that Hubband taped for me. (I'm now completely and utterly in the know about all things Buffy. Just ask me. C'mon, I dare you!)

Boy from school, homework, dinner, bath. Now it feels like it should be somewhere around midnight.

Tomorrow, I have lunch with Hubband's Sister to look forward to. We have to discuss Big Boy's open house. Who should be invited; what's their address; what the hell is their name? I told her I would take her to lunch and tomorrow looked like the only day she had free for about a year. (She's a busy, busy woman.)

After lunch, I think I'm going to buzz into Milford to seek out their stamp/scrapbook store and maybe get some homemade bread.


If you're looking for a great sum-up of the "Golden Globe Awards", check out Turtleguy. He nailed it.

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