Will Wonders Never Cease?

Tuesday, Oct. 01, 2002 07:12

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Guess who is here this morning? Big Boy! (No, not the large fiberglass, checked-panted redhead. My stepson!) Apparently, he's finally figured out that we're about 20 minutes closer to his school than his mom's house. He's coming over on Wednesday night, too. Because Tuesday's and Thursday's he's got an early class. (For which his alarm went off 15 minutes ago and he's still not up.)

I kicked fanny at work yesterday. I completed 3 out of 4 maps ready for QA, including the two that I had taken over from Tom. Tom had them for a month. I finished them in three hours. I rock. And now that I have a system down, I can just continue to crank out the maps at breakneck speed. (Or I would if we had any customers who needed maps.)

Class was okay last night, too. My really well-written paper sounded dull and lame when I presented it last night. Mostly, that was due to my poor presentation skills. It was pretty much the longest night we've had yet, because by the time you've heard the twelveth person's thoughts on the value of college, redundant doesn't even begin to describe it.

I came home to find Hubband and his Big Boy hanging out on the deck. Boy was in bed, but still awake. I asked Hubband if Boy had done his homework and he told me it was all taken care of, but when I went in to check out the backpack, I found more homework that Boy had neglected to tell his Dad about.

This is going to be the biggest issue with regard to my going back to full-time work. Hubband hates the whole homework thing. He can't deal. It messes with his little afterwork routine to have to lean over his son to make sure the work gets finished. But such is the life of an ADHD kid. Constant redirection and what looks like 30 minutes of homework takes 3 hours.

The whole backpack thing just pisses me off. Hubband has these weird quirks about stuff. He's anal retentive as all get out about alot of things, but there are just some things he won't do. He won't put away anyone's clothes but his own. He won't clean the bathroom. He won't put away the tupperware or any of "my" cooking stuff. He won't order pizza ~ he'll plan the whole thing but he won't make the call.

Whatever. I've learned to live with these quirks.

But the one thing he won't due that truly gets me steamed is he won't go through Boy's backpack. No matter how late I might get home, I'll be greated with a backpack full of leftover lunch and the day's information. Generally, it's not a problem. However, on nights like last night, when it's too late to have the Boy do his discovered homework, it would have been helpful to have him rifle through it when he got home.

Then again, he did cover the tux and the halloween costume over the weekend, so I think I can let him off the hook.

My last Tuesday off. I have a hair appointment this morning and then...I don't know. Maybe just hang around the house. Maybe see a movie. Maybe not. We'll see.

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