Aunt Eleanor is dead.

Monday, Mar. 18, 2002 21:32

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My mother called. My grandmother's sister died last night. She says grandma is adamant about not going to the funeral. You know, we always thought it was my dad's family that was the dysfunctional one. But how screwed up does a relationship have to be to not want to go to your own sister's funeral?

I'm going to call her tomorrow and let her know that I think we should go. Hell, it's not even inconvenient, because the funeral is Thursday. I already have the day off. Mom would get the day with pay because it's an Aunt. The funeral is only about a 4 to 5 hour drive. Grandma's brother won't be able to fly up from Florida because he's the main care-giver to his incapacitated wife. I just think someone should go to show this woman once had a family.

But then I'm not celebrating my 82nd birthday on Saturday, am I?

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