Putting Away The Week

Friday, Nov. 08, 2002 16:32

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I am the last one out the door tonight.

This never happens.

And it's early.

So quick rundown:

Yesterday's day off was great except for the being paged and called into conference while I was shopping. That sucked. But it's cool.

This weekend? Running off to Scrap Camp. Saturday 9am through Sunday 4pm. Nothing but a bunch of women chowing down and scrappin' our little hearts out. I've never gone before. Should be fun. If it's not, I'll just go shopping or something.

I moved money from our checking to our savings today. Just moved a big chunk o' change. Bills are paid and the balance is still in the positive. This is why I went back full time. So I could be comfortable with the money thing.

Must go now. Have sooooo much to do to get ready. Hubband wants to go out to eat but I'm not sure I have time!

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