Baby Steps

Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002 20:35

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I've sat down at the computer three times today and still don't feel like I have much to say.

Consider it a warning.

My ass aches. Actually it's more like my right hip, knee and ankle, but it starts in my ass. I attribute the pain to a number of things.

To begin, I worked out to my "Ultimate Funk" CD, which caused me to want to dance on the elliptical trainer. I had to keep reminding myself that this is not a good idea.

After my workout, I went to the new Target in Troy. This is a Target "Greatland", which means it's twice as big as the one 1/2 a mile from our house. Know what? Same stuff only, somehow, less of it. I went through every square inch of that store though, some of them twice. For those of you playing along at home, I bought some Honey Comb cereal, gel pens, two magazines, some Neutrogena Body Oil for Hubband's winter ravaged skin and some clothes for Little Boy. They did not have either the photo paper I wanted or any cute sox. I resisted the huge temptation to purchase the "Buffy" DVD set that came out today and a cool pencil holder that was $6.99. (But it was cool.)

Following the Target episode, I made a trip to Vic's World Market down the road to buy some food. Vic's is a gourmet supermarket. The kind of place that can be both fun and frustrating visit. You can find all manner of cool, yummy foodstuffs you wouldn't normally find at your local supermarket. On the other hand, you won't find a lot of the stuff you're used to either. (They didn't have any freaking English Muffins!)

So all that walking around and lugging of heavy bags up and down stairs, combined with the weather (which cannot for the life of it decide on a season)are causing me immense pain.

I bought lots of good for me things at the grocery, though. I'm trying to battle the food issues. I'm okay with the working out, but the food beats my ass. I love food. I love the tastes and the feelings of the foods I love. I'm a terribly picky eater, but what I eat I eat with abandon. Hubband once told me he's never known anyone who enjoys eating as much as I do. So telling myself I have to control this thing that overwhelms me is a difficult task.

I try to take a few small steps toward the goal every week. Today's step was actively thinking about what I was putting in the shopping cart and what I would be putting back on the shelf. Tomorrow it will be about eating breakfast and packing my lunch and snack.

I will get there.

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