Relaxing Weekend = Boring Weekend

Sunday, Jul. 28, 2002 22:13

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Not an exceptional weekend. Which is good, I guess, since we have sooooo much packed into the next few. This weekend is the whole this-marriage-has-lasted-longer-than-his-last-marriage party. And the Rubber Stamp Convention. And the weekend we decided to celebrate my birthday with the Grandma's. The weekend after that we have two concerts and my company picnic (unless it's canceled for lack of participation).

This weekend? Nothing. Nothing at all. So bored. Yet what did I do? Layed around the house watching "Trading Spaces" a good chunk of the time I wasn't sleeping, that's what I did.

Oh, and I marinated some shrimps in orange juice, ginger, onion, garlic, olive oil and soy. I jabbed them on some skewers and Hubband cooked them on the grill with some burgers. Kind of a low-rent surf 'n' turf deal. Had Nana stay for dinner and tossed up a pasta salad with some of the veggies the Schwan's man delivered to me on Friday. (YUM!) Turned out nice and got rave reviews from all, including Boy who was forced to try one shrimp and ended up eating about a dozen.

Afterward, full of crustaceans and mammels, Nana and I went for a walk. We walked our old route - about two miles up and down some hills by the lake near our house. I love that neighorhood. Beautiful homes and some of the most lovely gardens in the area. It was pathetic watching me huff to keep up with my 62-year-old mother, but there you go. Don't excercise for months and look what happens.

Today we took Grandma out for dinner and made the hour-long trek up to "Whitey's" for fish. This place is an institution. Our families have been going their all our lives - both of us - and it never fails to bring back memories. Good stuff.

On the way back I made Hubband stop at the mall so I could grab a couple of shirts because I hate everything in my drawer. I bought 3 shirts and was surprised to find the purrrrfect pair of black shoes. They look like loafers in the front and are backless. Love them. They should get me through until the snow flies!

Afterward we came home and Hubband helped Obnoxious Neighbor and Responsible Michelle get their attic ready for Contractor Bob to come and fix his water damage. (You might think they'd be a little more prepared, but no.) We ended up with some of their junk, which will now become some of our junk, I'm sure.

While he was doing that, I addressed about half of CoWorker-Friend's invitations. (Although the new and improved invitations have not arrived yet, I can still get everything else ready to go because the stamps arrived on Friday.)

Sort of looking forward to work tomorrow. It will be a new dynamic, just me, the Boss-Man and Tom. There's a line in Vegas as to how long I'll let Tom live before I kill him. I have every intention of letting him hang himself, though. This has always been my plan and Tom seems to follow it quite well.

I'm going to hustle off to bed, then, I think.

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