Boxing Day

Thursday, Dec. 26, 2002 13:10

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Did everyone have a wonderful Christmas?

Ours was pretty nice. I brought my stepmonster to tears with our gift to her and my dad of Marriott gift cards. They've both been working two jobs for over a year now and they deserve a break. Boy came up with the perfect present for his dad at the very last minute - a Captain America baseball jersey that "he'd been admiring" (says Boy) for some time. Even The Girlfriend seemed to like her gifts!

More than that, it was nice to be around loved ones. Everyone was thrilled about the new house (except my mother, of course). All my cooking turned out perfectly, with the exception of Christmas Eve dinner. I found out you can't put noodles in water for half an hour without them going back to their original state. But the stroganoff tasted great over rice and there was nary a nerve ending tampered with. The sticky buns I made for breakfast were a big hit. SIL gave me warm fuzzies again by mentioning over and over how well behaved Boy was compared with her other nephew (born the same day).

Unfortunately, the cycle of the moon combined with my lack of sleep and had me totally exhausted for most of Christmas day, itself. It was sad to see Grandma be so out of it, but then she is 84. Then I had to add to it by mixing up the tags on her and Mom's presents. Ooops! I should be grateful to even have her instead of frustrated by her lack of attention to stupid details.

I enjoyed a nice long conversation with the Stepmother while she was there. We hadn't seen each other since my birthday in August, she's working so hard.

Big Boy brought The Girl to Christmas breakfast at SIL's house, where she was showered with gifts and a bit embarassed. Then they came back to the house to open Big Boy's stocking and exchange presents with us. She seemed genuinely pleased with the things I bought for her and even became more open and sharing than she has previously. She said she liked spending time at our house better than Dan's or SIL's because we're more laid back, like her family. I enjoyed watching Big Boy with her. He's protective and coaching at the same time. He obviously loves her very much.

As for me, I got the diamond earrings I wanted so much. Hubband and I both laughed that they were much smaller than they looked in the ad, but they look great in my second piercings. I enjoyed a glass of wine with Mom and Grandma before shooing them out the door and settling in for the night. Hubband had gone to his buddy's house (a tradition for them) and I enjoyed some peace alone, but missed him, too.

This afternoon we're meeting the contractor and real estate agent to go to the new house again. Hubband is going to take the video camera and I will take the digital. I want to make some pencil sketches of how I'd like to decorate the rooms. It seems like a long way off but 3 months comes quicker than one thinks and I want to ponder my choices.

I should be going now. JBH didn't come in on Christmas Eve and is not here again today. I don't know what's going on. For all I know he's been fired. I was going to leave at 2pm today, but think I'll stick around until at least 3, just to be safe. Don't need my ass in a sling just now, thanks.

1 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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