A Bridething's Work Is Never Done

Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2002 06:52

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The invitations are in the mail! Or at least they will be when I get to a mailbox. I feel so much better. I can relax and focus on my stuff for the next couple of weeks. (Except for the bubble, but they're no biggie!)

Yesterday did, indeed, turn out to be a lazy day. I confess I did not get to the gym. I did get to Walmart, though. There's a trip that will keep one from ever wanting more children. Walmart during back-to-school time. I have never heard so many screaming, whining, crying children in my life. Not to mention their screaming, whining, crying mothers. One poor lady had two toddlers (9 months apart maybe?) and the older one was standing in the cart opening and closing the seat into his brother's head. (She didn't really notice since the brother had been screaming through the store anyway, so I helped her out!) Ugh!

It was a mighty successful trip, however. Got Boy some school clothes on the cheap. Got me some workout pants and a black tee-shirt with a red rose on the front. (CWF will hate it!) I stocked up on some stamps and stamping supplies. (Their stock is limited but what they have is cheap!) Some snacks, some protein bars, some school supplies and we were out of there!

Oh, and I made beef stew yesterday. It was yummy! Easy slow-cooker recipe I found on the web. Yum! Yum! Hubband and I each had two bowls. (I know. I should have only had one, but I tried to make sure they were mostly veggies! How bad can it be?) Definately a keeper recipe.

The weight-loss mission is moving on. So far, so good on giving up the sugary caffinated beverages. I'm sticking to water and iced tea for the most part. I've been able to curb a lot of my snacking, except for that one sweet thing I want after supper. I feel better, but am often hungry because of the lack of appropriate snacks I have around the house. I really need to get a plan going for this mission. Something routine that can help me just ignore it.

CWF is being so supportive ~ all the way from the UK! And I've not been so very supportive of her lately. Often I am undeserving of her praise and friendship.

Lot's to do this morning. I have to get my gym bag ready to go. I have to get the stuff together to take to CWF's house this evening. Must get Boy's lunch together. Need to get myself dressed and fed and all. Out the door in an hour, maybe? We'll see.

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