Busy, Busy, Busy Weekend...

Monday, Apr. 15, 2002 20:33

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I'm promising not to complain about the heat (since just last week it was snowing!) but it is difficult.

Friday was a deluge of rain, but it was still mild. I enjoyed an afternoon walk with CoWorker Friend and JB. It was okay, except for the fact that I had nothing to do at work and a ton of things to do at home. Ugh!

The weekend has been busy.

Saturday a beautiful cloudless blue. Lunch Fajitas and errand running. I've decided to restock my kitchen with fewer items of better quality. I spent $128 on knives. Then I found a summer weight sweater in salmon on sale for $23 so I figured it kind of evened out. In the evening our friends came over with a shoebox full of their CD's for us to borrow and we all went to a movie. She is an avid gardener and is going to help me actually do something with the backyard this summer. I'm thrilled! We laughed at the movie ("Big Trouble") and had a nice dinner out. Then came back to enjoy a few beers with my mom. My kind of mellow night.

Sunday, I'm not sure what my problem was. I could-not-get-out-of-bed. My shoulder was killing me. Bizzare. I did finally get up and finalized the arrangements for our dinner out with the grandmas. Hubband was doing yard work and I heard a loud CLANK followed by sputtered cursing. Hubband came in complaining that he had broken the hosereel. Some moments later, I was in our bedroom and I heard two sounds coming from the cold air return in the floor : 1) hissing and 2) gurgling.

"Honey, do you still have the hose going outside?"

"Nope. Why do you ask?"

"Then what's that noise?"

Hubband goes running down the basement (no easy feat since our house is old and our basement stairs steep and spooky).

Turns out when he wrenched on the hose hard enough to break the hosereel, he also broke a pipe in the basement.


Luckily it was easily stopped by putting an end to the water supply TO THE ENTIRE HOUSE! EEEEEEEK!

Emergency call to the plumber who sweetly arrived today. Unexpected PTO day for moi. Pipe fixed. Unexpectedly tiny bill paid. Shopping trip to Target for several pair of shorts and summerish shirts for the entire family. Dinner at the Irish Pub down the street. Home to find not one, but two magazines in the mail shoot. I took them both, with the new nursery catalog and an iced apple cinnamon tea, to the deck where I commenced reading. When I had finished, I came inside and made a wonderful queso dip out of leftover black bean soup, some salsa and some velveeta. YUM!

What does the rest of my unexpected day hold?

I'm going to read to Little Boy then enjoy the fact that we have running water by showering under it. I will settle down in front of the TV and watch the last episode of a very, very good show called, "Once And Again" that the stupid people at ABC cancelled. (Don't get me started. These are the same people that thought "The Bachelor" was a good idea.) And I might read, because Hubband will be long slumbering by that time.

What will you be doing?

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