Circle of Life, Indeed

Monday, Jul. 08, 2002 21:48

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Today has been an interesting day. Full of all the things that make life fascinating and wonderful.

First, my friend, seems to have forgiven my feeble attempts at motivational email. (Perhaps a little too much Dr. Phil? I think perhaps.) I'm lucky that I have friends who forgive my 'tude and love me anyway. Probably why I have so many.

While I was on the phone with him, thinking how lucky I was, I got a phone call from Childhood Friend letting me know that her grandfather had passed away. He's been in a hospice for several weeks and they've been doing round the clock vigil for the last couple of weeks. I had been thinking about her all weekend - even thought I saw her once - so wasn't surprised to hear her say that he passed this morning. She asked if I would call my mother and I told her I would and offered my services. They're a very close family so it will be hard.

Then, after work I met CoWorker Friend to shop for her wedding dress. I had been dreading this, as both she and I have strong opinions and she was having her mother along as well. Turned out her mother was late and by that time we had the dress decision made. It was the first one she tried on, looked like it was made just for her. I cried when she walked out and convinced her to by the one they had in stock, rather than risking the six week shipping (only about 14 weeks till the big day). Her mother did not voice any negative opinion when she finally arrived, but she didn't seem very, very happy. (I think I know why, and there will be alterations to fix it.)

While we were there - once I was sure her dress decision was secure - I pointed out some lovely options for two piece bridesmaids dresses. She immediately opted for the one I was subtly pointing her toward: A sparkly knit top with a shawl neckline and 3/4 inch sleeves paired with a beautiful full skirt of organdy over satin. The color she chose is called "Apple" which will be perfect for an autumn wedding. The best part? Both pieces come in my size (sort of) and together come to only $150! Whoo! And, while I may never have call again for a long skirt, I will be able to wear that top again.

A very happy shopping experience indeed.

And then I come home to find her good news! Welcome to the world, my little friend! Aunt Caribou loves you already.

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