What Up, Dawgs!

Sunday, Mar. 24, 2002 08:05

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I'm sitting here yawning because I woke up this morning at 6am. I mostly did this because I know I'll be up late this evening watching the Academy Awards. It works out well, though, because I also have a lot to do today.

Friday night and Saturday I worked on making cards. We have so many birthday's coming up and I had some other cards to send as well, I just thought I'd get to it. I set up shop as soon as I got home and worked until almost midnight. Then I watched some of the surprisingly funny "Zoolander" which my husband had going and went to bed. Saturday morning I got right back to it. I worked until 11:30, which gave me enough time to shower and eat before my hair/nail appointment.

Man, I've accumulated a lot of stuff for my stamping art. Thursday I took myself on a little celebratory spree at JoAnn's and bought some new stamps and ink pads. I realized I was lacking in pastels, making it difficult to do anything Easter related. It was fun but my arm and hand were aching by the time I finished.

I was lamenting with my manicurist about my lack of crafting space. Part of the reason I have to do this in such large blocks of time is that when I get all my crap out, it kind of takes over. It takes a good hour to set up and take down the supplies, so I don't like to waste that time. I've been trying to think of ways in which to make this an easier process. I think what I'm going to do is swap out some things we have in an old chest of drawers in the closet. I currently keep some of my more occasional pieces of china and such in this dresser. If I put those things where I currently keep my stamping stuff, I think I'll actually end up with more room and better organized crafting stuff.

I'll put that on my list for the long weekend.

Today's list includes taking out the Nana and Grandma to celebrate Grandma's 82nd birthday. Knowing Grandma, we'll end up at Red Lobster or some damned place where we have to wait in line for an hour to eat mediocre food and receive poor service. Also, the thought of spending the day with my mother AND my grandmother fills me with dread. For some reason the three of us don't work. Grandma and I are fine. Mom and I are fine. Mom and Grandma are fine. But the three of us end up with someone being pissy. The pissy one? Usually my mother. She's always been jealous of my close relationship with Grandma (with good reason, Grandma wasn't going to win any awards as a mother). She also resents the fact that her mother is becoming increasingly dependent upon her in her golden years.

I'll just try to make the best of it. Even though it's cold, it still feels like Spring with the sun shining and the birds chirping. I've got taxes to do and the Oscars to watch and a new Stephen King book of stories to meander through.

It's all good!

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