What a difference a day makes.

Wednesday, Mar. 27, 2002 07:46

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Hubband and I had the stupidest argument last night. I ended up going to bed angry. I don't go in for that whole "never go to bed angry" thing. I think a good night's sleep can shed a lot of light on an argument and make people sometimes come to their senses.

Or in this case, just get over themselves.

What was the argument about? Well, it climaxed about one thing but it was really (as most are) a build up of many irritating things over the course of the evening. (For which I will gladly take most of the blame. I do admit that my selfish "only-child" came out in full force.)

The evening started out great. Hubband came home to a clean house and no snow to shovel (yeah!). He bought me a CD ("Seals & Crofts Greatest Hits") that I had been wanting, which we listened to and enjoyed. Little Boy and I watched "On The Line" on DVD. (Yep, I did and I don't care who knows it. We enjoyed it!) Then the whole family boogied in the living room to Al Green singing while the credits rolled.

So far, so good, right?

Then there was the argument about his self planned birthday party and whether or not I had called to invite his niece and nephew. No I haven't, but I will and he doesn't need to ask me every day. It's a month from now. I'll get to it.

Then there was the part where I dissed the movie version of "Camelot" because I don't like it's Lancelot. I think I ruined it for him. Didn't mean to.

Then it happened. He sat down to watch "The Real World" with me.

Hubband hates "The Real World". I don't really blame him. It's a stupid, vapid show. However, it's a stupid, vapid show that I've grown attached to over the years. Normally, I move to another part of the house to watch it, cause Hubband can't even stand to listen to it.

Unfortunately, someone at his work convinced him that "Meet The Osbornes" was the funniest show on earth and he had to watch it, so he decided to try to watch "The Real World" with me, too.

Let the record show I offered to watch it elsewhere and he declined.

I think 3 minutes into it is when he lost his cool and started ranting. He went stomping to the back of the house where I could still hear him swearing and cussing. 20 minutes later he came out and I went to bed having not enjoyed one single minute of the show.

He lasted about as long through "Meet The Osbornes". (Like I couldn't have predicted that!) Then came to bed where he tried to "apologize" by pointing out - loudly, again - what was wrong with my show.

"I just wanted to try to share it with you."

"Well, I didn't want you to share it with me. I wanted to enjoy it. It's half an hour long for God's sake, we had spent the entire preceding 3 hours together. I think you could live without me for 30 minutes. But instead I get to listen to your opinions on homosexuality at the top of your lungs as though I don't know your opinions on the subject already. I also know your opinions on liberals and racism and health care and everything else and it's not like we can have a discussion about these things. No. It's just you ranting about them so loudly it makes my head hurt. You need to do something about all of this pent up anger of yours cause it's getting old."

Then I went out into the living room and started to read my book, because sleep was not coming.

He apologized when I went back to bed. I told him I just want him to be happy. That's not entirely true. I want us both to be happy. I think we're okay, but Friday night we have a sitter, so there's going to be some talking done. I'm worried this guys going to heart-attack himself into making me a widow and then I'll be really pissed.

Of course, I could have just called the niece and nephew and this whole thing probably never would have happened.

Shut up, Caribou. When will you learn to just shut up?

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