Things One Shouldn't Do To Dogs & Other Ramblings

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002 21:30

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Yes, that's right. The dog's wearing a hat. And a shirt. And...socks. It's just not right what some people do to their dogs.

Today was nice.

Lunch with JB was nice and long and tasty and cheap.

Did a little shopping, but not much. (Which tends to prove my theory that I shop in place of human contact.)

Home by mid-afternoon to an empty house and spent some time finishing the organization of my craft area. Hubband and Boy came home and then each went their own way, so I stayed down there makin' stuff for another three hours. Hubband finally came after me and we had dinner at our fave restaurant.

It's pretty quiet around here now, so I guess it's a good thing that Hubband is going to work tomorrow. Big Boy and the Girl will sit while we catch Lyle Lovett in the evening, so we'll have our together time. But I think this much togetherness can get on our nerves a little. (Plus, he's still pouting about the damned mini-golf. Turns out I beat him by 3 strokes.)

He took Boy to get his hair cut today and got the really short, no. 3 clip that I love. My boy has this incredibly beautifully shaped head and huge blue eyes with inch long lashes. But mostly I love it because he cuts his hair and instantly I can see my "baby" again. (Bonus: No "comb your hair" every morning, either.)

Boy has been really enjoying this vacation. I think it's because he's spent so much time with just me this summer, it's nice for him to have another male to bounce testosterone off of. I don't know. Maybe, probably, he just loves us.

This has been an economical vacation as well. We decided to hold off on the new mattress for awhile, so that's saving us more than a few hundred dollars. I ended up spending a bit on my craft area, but that's money well spent. It will keep me from spending money down the road if I can keep myself busy. And the Boy just isn't getting as much stuff as he used to. (We must stop spoiling the lad.)

Now, the day is winding down. I still have four more days off, and couldn't be happier about it. I have plans for almost every day, but nothing overwhelming. Even the weather is turning the corner into these perfect late summer days and cool pre-autumn nights.

Happiness. It's so simple.

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