Donuts and Bagels and Paychecks, Oh My!

Friday, May. 10, 2002 06:57

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Okay. I feel better. At least I have the menu figured out. It's a pretty bland and unexciting menu, since most of the guests are Hubband's kin and they don't like things too "spicy". (Meaning anything sharper than ketchup.) I found an easy recipe for Stuffed Shells that I think will work for the main course. I can make it ahead and store it in my mom's freezer.

So I made the menu and the subsequent shopping list. I'm growing a list of things to do prior. It's coming together. I'm finding out there really isn't all that much I can do before the weekend of the party. Mostly just big cleaning jobs. And shopping. Always that.

Not really thrilled about the weather this weekend. I don't mind that it's supposed to be cold and rainy on Mom's Day. We have indoor plans anyway. Nana, Grandma and I are going to a brunch buffet, per our usual, and spending the rest of the day pouring over Grandma's pictures. We're going to attempt to put names with faces and write them on the back. Figure we should get this information while it's still there to get.

I was hoping, however, to get out to the Blue Heron nesting grounds tomorrow with Hubband and the camera. He thinks we can make it if we go early enough but it is supposed to rain. We'd have to go early, as I have an afternoon "Mother/Daughter" church thing with the StepMonster. (It will be nice to see her as I haven't in months.)

Today is Friday. Pay day. Donut and Bagel Pay Day. Hopefully, a low-stress, fun day at work. So I should go act like I'm looking forward to it.

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