Babbling about eating too much

Monday, Jul. 15, 2002 21:50

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Today was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was majorly peeved when I arrived to find BossMan and CoWorker Friend working on a problem that had started the previous day. Long story short, they had each worked on it for several hours without calling in the ticket to the customer.

Rules people. There are rules.

But I soon got over my pissy attitude and just took the problem on myself. That's the way to deal with these things. Just take them on.

CoWorker Friend's wedding is coming together. They've put a deposit down for the reception site. It will be at the Indianwood Country Club. Doesn't that sound nice? It is a beautiful location, too. I attended a Christmas party there when I worked at the Credit Union and it was so warm and old-fashioned. I just loved it. Lots of trees, too, so pictures should be lovely, even if the color is late this year. (One of the things I really like about it is the dance floor is located in a room off the dining area.)

Now she is heavily involved in making cake/photographer decisions. Once she books the photographer, she will finalize the wedding time and order the invitations. (They'll be mailed to my house while she's in Europe. I'm going to address them for her. I just have to find a bronze colored gel pen.)

Also while she's away, I'm going to fancy up the sneakers she bought to wear to the wedding. (A friend of mine did this for her wedding. Much more comfortable, especially since you can't see her feet under the dress.) I'll just use ribbons for laces and glue on some embellishments. She'll love them.

She is disappointed to hear that her friend Stephanie (my co-bride thing) may not even be able to make the wedding due to work committments. I had looked forward to meeting her.

On the more personal side of things. I haven't been feeling very well. I don't know if it's a mild depression or a slight sinus infection or some sort of other bug. Could just be the peri-menopausal thing. Anyway, last night I went to bed about our normal time of 11:00 and I must have fallen asleep right afterward because the next thing I knew it was midnight and I was drenched in sweat.

I moved out to the sofa and was able to get a fair amount of sleep, but still felt crappy in the am. Sore throat and itchy eyes. Could just be the allergies. I don't know.

Then, by this afternoon I felt better.

I think a lot of it is my not going to the gym. I haven't been in weeks and I haven't had a real good workout in more than a month or two. I don't know what's keeping me. I just...don't want to do it. And yet I feel myself gaining weight and getting puffy. So why don't I just do what's necessary?

Part of the problem has been the cooking thing. If I cook, I tend to want to eat it. I'm hoping the inaugaration of "Leftover Night" (every Wednesday, c'mon down) will keep me from feeling like I have to eat it or waste it. We've always been the kind of people that shove food containers around in the fridge and then order out while it turns into a science experiment. I said this evening that knowing I had "Leftover Night" in our future made me want to save something for it.

Damned if I'm not channeling June Cleaver.

It helps, as well, to have JB gone. The only good thing about her leaving is that we won't be taking our twice-daily trips to the store anymore. Today I had breakfast before leaving the house. (I actually made myself take the time to eat it.) And brought lunch from home. I didn't buy any extra snacks, just a Coke and an iced tea. Pretty good.

When I got home I dove right into dinner prep, but was so hungry I became snack fiend before and after. Now I've got that expansive feeling I don't really like. (Hubband brought me peanuts from the ball park. A favorite, but they really do me in.)

I just need to get back in the groove, that's all. This has been stressful summer so far, what with all the celebrations and comings and goings. I'll be happy if I can keep an even keel through next month. Then I can get this kid to school and get back to my routine.

Unless, of course, the recruiter that called me this afternoon turns out to have something decent up his sleeve.


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