A life in flux...

Friday, Aug. 30, 2002 05:31

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What am I doing up at this hour? I had a full 90 minutes left to sleep and couldn't shut my eyes for a minute. Finally, I decided to stop lying there listening to my back hurt and my allergies crank. I decided to get up...

...and play FreeCell.

I am nothing if not productive.

I'll probably fall asleep somewhere south of Lone Pine Road and run the truck into the back of an Expedition.

It feels strange to have Boy gone again on a work day. I think of him at my mother's, sleeping in her bed with his cat. He'll wake up all stuffed up but both he and the cat will sleep happy. It's odd to be typing here and not be able to sense him in the next room. I can't hear his breathing; can't hear him rustle about in his dreams.

I plan to go to work a little early, but there's no point in going in this early since there's nothing to do. Tick-tock, tick-tock. Waiting for the hammer to fall.

Hubband is going out tonight. He's supposed to go to a Tiger game if they don't strike. They're eeking this one out for sure. I just checked ESPN and CNN ~ neither has anything new to tell. I plan to spend the evening watching a chick flick and/or working in my "office".

Looking forward to hanging with CWF today at work. Hopefully, it will make the time pass.

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