Geek Girl Get's Gizmos

Saturday, Dec. 29, 2001 19:13

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Tomorrow my evil plan will be completed!

Or at least the computer will be completely upgraded.

It all started with the digital camera.

Then I had to have a new computer with a Pentium processor and CD burner and DVD drive. Just had to have it.

For Christmas I got the rechargable batteries and the ScanDisk for my camera making it possible for me to take up to 33 of the highest quality pictures. WooHoo!

So then, if I'm going to be taking these great pictures, can I just print them on my sad little Cannon bubble jet? No, I'll answer for you, No. I must have the HP Photosmart 1215 printer, especially since it's on sale and we can afford to pay cash. (We even bought it from Big Boy so he could get commission off the stupid extended warranty thingy.)

Tomorrow: A Phillips flat screen monitor. On Sale. At Best Buy. Where they're evil, but I have to have it to complete the cycle of madness.

Then I live in complete tech-girl happiness. (But I'm secure in the fact that I over-paid and did insufficient enough research so I can't be a total geek.)

It's a lovely day.

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