I promise it gets better towards the end...

Friday, Jan. 04, 2002 06:40

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Back to work today.


Still feeling a little ill, but okay about it.

Think I'm having a good hair day, which is important.

I'm sure it will take me about an hour just to get through my email. That is assuming it doesn't crash my computer from the sheer volume of messages telling me the system is up and alive. (Don't ask. It's too stupid to go into.)

I had a hard time going to sleep last night, but didn't have too difficult a time getting up this morning. (Obviously!)

I feel like it's the first day of school. I cannot wait to be around all of my little friends. (I'm sure that will go away after a few minutes!)

I'm just kidding. Relax! I love all the people I work with.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday:

Hubband must have made six references during our shopping expedition to having another baby!

I think it has to do with the fact that we've switched birth control methods. He's concerned that the pill might not be too trustworthy. I've told him it's always worked for me in the past, but I think it's just been so long. It probably feels to him as if we're using nothing.

(I could gross you out even further with more details but I'll spare you.)

(You're welcome.)

We got talking about it and what would happen if I did happen to get pregnant. We agreed that we are not looking to hatch another offspring at this stage in our lives but if the unexpected should happen we would roll with it.

But then all day long he kept flirting with little babies and picking up cute little cowboy boots to coo over and it was just weird.

I think he feels like he's missed something by not having a girl. All of his friends have boys, we don't really get to interact with girls much. I have a couple of friends with girls and they always flirt with the Hubband cause he's such a cutie-pie.

I sometimes miss the Estrogen factor as well. While I was pregnant, everyone was convinced I was having a girl. We had her named and my mom would talk to her as if it was a done deal. But I knew, somehow, that Little Boy was in there. And the only time I feel the tug for a little girl is when I pass the Barbie aisle at Toys R Us.

The bond between a boy and his mom is a very special cosmic force not to be taken lightly.

And, perhaps, it's that bond that Hubband misses, explaining instantly his desire for a daughter.

Oops, gotta go! Can't go to work in my nightgown can I?

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