More on Graduation Day

Monday, Jun. 10, 2002 07:11

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So...The weekend is over.

Graduation day went well, I suppose. I mean, there were no fist fights and no one fainted. As I mentioned, the ceremony was very nice. Anything bad that happened was purely peripheral.

Peripheral 1:

As we had only 4 tickets, we decided that Little Boy could live without seeing his brother graduate and gave Sister-In-Law and her husband the opportunity to see their nephew graduate. We picked them up at a neutral location and spent most of the remaining ride in uncomfortable silence.

Peripheral 2:

Since we arrived only about 15 minutes before the ceremony, we were banished to Outer Mongolia for parking. This involved a seriously long hike over hill and dale to the auditorium. Normally not a problem but I wasn't really dressed for a hike in 85 degree weather.

Peripheral 3:

Once inside the gymnasium, we addressed the dilemma of where to sit. The stage was set up at the far end of the gym with very spiffy seating going down each side wall and some nice molded bleachers along the back. The bleachers were nearly empty and I suggested we sit there since they had the best view. Apparently, saying, "Why don't we just sit here?" several times is not enough of a hint to my husband, who finally located Ex-Wife and the four seats she was saving next to her group.

We proceeded down to the gym floor to cut over, only to be told to go back up to the top and go around, which we did. Then back down almost to the floor where Ex-Wife and company were sitting.

Now, if you've seen the pictures (and if you haven't, check the link below!), you know I am not a tiny person. I'm quite large actually. So when I noticed the size of these seats on the way down, I told Hubband: "I don't think I'm going to fit in these seats."

Sister-In-Law: "Well just try."

Okaaaaay. After about the third time I tried to get Hubband to hear me, I gave up and tried to sit in the seat. I thought I heard my dress rip as I wedged myself in between the cup holders. (Turned out to be okay!) These seats were very, very tiny!

Right before I'm about to burst into tears, Hubband realized I was in pain and asked if I wanted to go sit in the bleachers. (A chorus of "DUH!" was heard around the world.) So he explained to everyone the issue. (Nice.) Sister-In-Law and her husband stayed right where they were.

This actually turned out to be quite enjoyable in the end but horribly humilating to deal with in front of the EX. Once we got to the bleachers, I took hold of the mantra, "It's not about me. It's not about me." And managed to enjoy the ceremony. (I made it all the way to the end before bursting into tears.)

Peripheral 4:

We decided to all take Big Boy to lunch and celebrate (which involved logistics of major quantities just to find an open restuarant!). On the way there I was lamenting the fact that EX had sent announcements to several of our family who had already received one from us, confusing the hell out of most of them.

Hubband was clueless, apparently not listening to his sister relate the story. Seems EX had asked her for a "list" of people to invite and Sister-In-Law had provided it. (As she was providing her wonderful Potato Salad and other forms of assistance to the EX's party.)

Hubband was furious, having specifically gone over this issue with her. She was only to invite Sister-In-Law and her kids. That was it. Otherwise the whole point of us having two separate parties is really wasted. The fact that she ignored this bit of information did not sit well.

Then, when we finally got seated somewhere, the conversation kept flowing back to her impending Open House. How many people did we have? How much pop did we buy? She bought chips at Sam's and is having it catered by Mr. Pita so she didn't have to cook. Goody.

Somewhere in the conversation it came out that Aged Uncle had been confused by the fact that they got two invitations, since they had already sent a gift! EX then feigned embarassment, stating she only wanted to give the people who had not been able to make our party another opportunity. Uh-Huh!

Hubband is a good man, so he gave her the benefit of the doubt. Me? Not so good. I understand that she just wants to show off her house by the lake and her boat and her fiancee. She thinks people will be impressed by her catered affair and the money that she doles out on this party. She never did get that these people are more impressed with the person you are and the effort you put into something.

Let's just say that we were glad to be out of there and glad to be done with her. (At least as far as the government is concerned.)


So, considering the embarassment of Saturday and how I let it almost ruin one of the best days of our lives, I guess I'm on the road back to healthy living. I can no longer sit here and think I'm okay the way I am. I have to get back to it.

With that said, I need to get going to work so I can get to the gym.

La Vista!

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