Sunday, Mar. 31, 2002 09:29

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I can't believe it's been so long since I've written! What was I doing instead? Well, for one thing, Little Boy was home. Little Boy with the radar that says, "Beep, Beep, Beep! Mom is on the computer. Must go touch her. Must hang on her shoulder and ask her how long she's going to be using the computer. Must ask if I can use the computer when she's done. Must ask every three minutes until she yells at me. Must then talk to her every five minutes about something totally unrelated to the computer until she gives the computer up. Then must go watch TV or play video games and not talk to her for hours."

This weekend has seemed long. And I am very, very cranky for some reason. I think it has to do with my mother. I've written about my mother before. You all know her. (And one or two of you actually *know* her!) She's the kind of mom that all your friends think is cool. Mostly because she's still a child. They don't have to deal with the pouting and the temper tantrums and the willfull selfishness that she has passed on to her only daughter.

On the other hand, they might not have a mom who would buy her daughter a Gameboy on her 36th birthday. Their mom might not want to still give her daughter a hug and kiss each and every time she sees her. Their mom might not enjoy a joint fit of giggles so powerful it makes you want to pee your pants.

And we're celebrating her birthday today. I just realized she's going to be 61. 61 sounds so different than 60. So much older.

We're going to brunch at a restaurant because I did not feel like cooking and cleaning up a huge meal today. I think it will be fun. Big Boy is here and will be joining us. Grandma will be enjoying it with us. The whole fam-damnly.

Then we will most likely drop Grandma at her apartment. Big Boy will run off to Sister-In-Laws to enjoy time with his cousins. Hubband and Little Boy will take in a movie. It will just be me and my mom. We're going to see "Panic Room" because it's her birthday and she can see whatever kind of movie she wants. Really. I don't mind.

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