My head hurts, and you?

Saturday, Feb. 09, 2002 10:21

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I have found out more information on the Warren family. Recall Lucy, Mabel's new stepmother? Well, I found out George Casler (Mabel's dad) was her second of FOUR husbands. They were married about 10 years, I think. It's a little confusing because there are two different dates of death for George, one in 1928 and one in 1931. If the 1928 date is correct, then Walter, Mabel's brother, died 10 years to the day after his father, George.

Sadly, the Warren family lived in Clinton County which does not have the free-flowing access to county records as Shiawassee County does. I was unable to find anything more about them.

So I think Tuesday I'll combine my need for a road trip with some fact-finding in Ovid and St. Johns.

Last night we had family movie night. We ordered pizza and watched "Bubble Boy" together. It's nice to be able to watch a movie with Little Boy that we can all enjoy. (Although, "enjoy" might be too strong a word here.)

Hubband and I watched the Olympic ceremonies from bed. They were truly beautiful and I was greatly impressed.

I look forward to the Winter Games. It is so much more fun to see the weird winter competitions. They seem so much more dangerous than the Summer Games, which are basically running and swimming and gymnastics. I am especially fond of Curling, even though I have little clue what is going on most of the time. Last night we were discussing the Biathalon and Hubband compared it to rolling down the hill in a barrel, jumping out and writing an essay, then getting back in the barrel. I thought that was a good analogy.

This morning? I started bleeding again. WTF? I'm not due for another week and a half!!! Well, that would certainly explain a lot of things about my mood this week, huh?

Today we are supposed to go to the zoo. Then I might also take Little Boy to a movie, because he brought home an A- on the horrible Social Studies test.

Or maybe I'll just curl up in a ball on my sofa and cry all day.

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