Heat Stroke 101

Sunday, Jul. 21, 2002 08:43

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Yesterday I went with Nana here. I bought a beautiful photograph, a beautiful hammered gold dragenfly bracelet, and a really overpriced, stupid-looking purple hat. (Because it was hot and I needed to keep the sun out of my eyes, that's why!)

We had a yummy lunch at a place called the Full Moon. Smoked Turkey with fresh spinach, bacon, thin slices of apple and cheddar cheese on a croissant. Yum... Didn't even need condiments it was that good.

Unfortunately, our lunch break (including the ability to sit down in air-conditioned comfort and access to rest rooms) made the rest of the fair annoying. By the time we'd finished eating, the crowds had expanded and the sun was high. We were on our way back to the shuttle station when we realized we had seen everything there was to see. Shared a wonderful hand-squoze lemonade and back to the car.

I think once I was in the car I started to feel it. Somehow missed one of my exits and ended up going out of my way and snapping at Nana. By the time we got home I wanted nothing but cold liquids and sleep. Hubband and I napped while Boy watched some TV. Awoke with a mind-bending headache.

Hubband had plans to shop for some annuals to put in the garden, replacing some of my less drought-tolerant perennials that have faded. Argue, argue, argue, finally go out to the place I wanted to originally. Find out we are way late for buying annuals, but get good deals.

When we arrived home, Hubband did the garden planting and I made a new container garden for the front of the house. (Our previous one had grown unruly in the heat.) Then I left him to clean up and made dinner, which we enjoyed on the deck.

We were in bed by 10:00. Both too exhausted to pretend there was anything interesting on TV.

Today we are up early.

Boy and I are going to play Spiderman Monopoly and then head out to the gym for a swim while Hubband cleans the house. Assistant Principal and his wife are coming over for a cookout this afternoon.

It's supposed to be 96 degrees outside.

I think we'll be eating inside if you don't mind.

Hope you all have a nice day, too.

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