What the hell is wrong with me?

Thursday, Jan. 10, 2002 12:33

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Where is everyone?

Please get a clue people: I have the day off and unlimited computer access, therefore and hence; all my favorites (this means you!) must update frequently.

How dare you all get a life without me?

Back to the gym again.

Found out the pain in my arms and shoulders was mostly due to the Lat Pulldowns. For some reason I had started neglecting these muscles even before Halloween. I don't really understand why, though, because I love that whole sexy back thing that having good lats creates. (Re-organizing my workout was a great idea!)

I wanted to do my cardio first, like last time, but the Precor elipticals were all being used. I did a 10 minute treadmill warmup instead and then hit the weights. Afterward it was less crowded so I did another 30 minutes on the Precor. (Much harder than Tuesday, but I did accomplish it!)

I spoke with Wayne last night a little about the food thing. I just said, "It's time." He knew what I meant. We've been going around here for months eating everything that wasn't nailed down and I want that to end. I was doing okay in the food department for awhile but now it has spun out of control.

Yesterday, I stopped at the Big Apple Bagel store on the way to work. I've never done this before, I don't know what prompted it. I just had a yen and decided to try this place. Immediately I spied two different types of yummy looking cheese bagels and asked for one each, with cream cheese (sensing a theme here?). Not just any cheese - bacon cheddar cream cheese. MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm. And they do not skimp either.

I ate the first one during my drive to work because, well, I was hungry. I planned to save the next one for lunch. Did it make it to lunch? Nope. After our less than wonderful team meeting I was feeling a little stressed and needed the comfort that only fat and carbohydrates can provide.

It was 10:30 am.

I won't even go into the rest of the day and today even. I just need to get back on track and beating myself up is not the way to do it.

I think the key is going to have to be planning. I will need to plan exactly what I'm going to eat and when I'm going to eat it. I've tried food journals, but writing it down after I've eaten it just doesn't hold the key for me. Eating is an "in the moment" event. I'm not thinking of the future when I eat. If I did, I wouldn't realize how effects me.

Wow, this has taken a downward spiral. I thought I was in a pretty good mood. Guess I was wrong.

I'm going to have a Coke and something mindless (besides eating) for awhile.

And I'm throwing out the rest of these cookies.

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