Here Comes Peter CottonTail...

Friday, Mar. 15, 2002 18:32

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Easter has the best candy of any holiday. And I'm not even mentioning the chocolate bunnies. I'm just referring to the accessories.

Take the Reese's Peanut Butter Egg. I don't know what it is about the makeup of this particular confection, but it is a heaven that cannot be duplicated in any other form. The Peanut Butter Trees of Christmas and Peanut Butter Hearts of Valentine's Day just seem to be missing something.

Then there are the Robin's Eggs. Scrumptious egg-shaped malted milk treats, covered in chocolate and a candy shell. You can have your Whopper's, they just don't compare with these babies!

This year, I seem to be addicted to one of my old favorites - SweetTarts Chicks Ducks and Bunnies. Can't get enough of them things. Yummmy!

Easter baskets are fun to shop for, as well. It's like shopping for Christmas Stockings without the space limitations. Hubband's work does a charity Easter Basket drive every year for the Salvation Army. I love it. In addition to the baskets we put together for the boys, I now get to put one together for a girl! We can even pick the age range so I usually do a pre-teen girl's basket and fill it with Lip Smackers and fancy pens and purse size hair brushes and stickers.

I'm not sure what has me going down this particular road today. Maybe it's just the idea that Spring is on it's way. The weather this last week has been beautiful. I can see Spring coming not just in the length of the day but in the quality of the light. It becomes more liquid and I can feel the warmth of it. I've started driving around with the sunroof cracked and the radio tuned to classic rock instead of NPR. I've begun to linger among the garden implements. I'm putting away my boots and winter coat.

Well, this is March in Michigan, so I'm only putting them just inside the closet. I'm not totally unrealistic.

Also, I'm feeling less stressed. Lighter in spirit (if not on the scales!). Two of the balls we've been juggling this year have been caught. The mortgage was closed upon and the check should be here sometime early next week. We'll be able to wrangle the finances and make way for a summer of fun and frolic without the worry of our debt getting in the way. Also, my chair arrived yesterday.

Let's discuss my chair a bit. It's beautiful. It's the first piece of leather furniture I've ever owned. I think maybe two cows had to give their lives for this chair. It smells almost as good as it looks, too. Last night I got ready for bed and sat in it, letting my bare legs and arms touch the upholstery. Mmmmmmmmm... And it's the perfect size for the space. Matches the rest of the furniture perfectly.

Is it wrong to get this excited over a chair?

Anyway, now the only ball in the air is the one concerning work. I haven't heard another word about it. I don't think there's anything more I can do, so I need to just let it go. Now that the bills will be paid and the warmer weather is coming, I don't really care all that much. Besides, I do my part. I do my part and then some. I put out full time work on my part time hours, so everyone is happy, right?

I've been thinking more about going back to school. This will sound incredibly stupid, but if I went back, I think I'd just want to start all over. I just don't feel like going through all the hassle of dredging up my past college failures. Isn't that silly. I would waste all that time just to save myself from dealing with a little complication in the beginning. Nah. I'd do it right. I just don't FEEL LIKE doing the work and school thing. (Do you get the impression I'm conflicted?)

As far as the health/fitness front is concerned, I'm doing a kind of reverse-Lent thing. When I'm sick, for some reason, the only food's I feel like eating are either sweet or creamy. I think it has to do with the texture of the creamy stuff, but the sweet stuff I don't know. I just know that my sweet tooth kicks in as soon as my nose plugs up. And I'm feeling better now, but not great, so I continue the comfort food fiesta. We also have birthday celebrations these next few weekends, which call for goodies, of course, following fat laden meals.

I have therefore given myself until Easter to pretend I'm not possessed by food and then I'm back to trying to make this body into the one I want. (Don't think I'm seeing my head on some model's body. I have realistic ideal, for sure.)

But right now? I'm off to buy the makings for tonight's pizza! :)

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