Hormonal Happenings

Saturday, Nov. 17, 2001 22:23

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I am finding I have no time for anything.

I gained about 50 pounds on my vacation and look like it in all of the pictures.

Hormonal, probably, due to pill changes and such.

Weather should start getting colder now that we're home. I bought flannel sheets today while taking my grandmother Christmas shopping. She's really starting to lose it. Or else she's choosing not to pay attention, I don't know which. It bothers me but she's 81 so if she doesn't want to pay attention who am I to complain.

It makes my mother feel better that she's driving me nuts, too, though.

Only one more day left of our vacation. I don't want to go back to work and I do. It's weird. I feel like I've been gone forever and yet it all falls instantly into that same routine as soon as I step over the threshold. Immediately the stress is mounting. So much to do. So many things on the list.

And this is the hard time of year, too. Between the beautiful leaves and the first snowfall, when the days tend to be overcast and the trees are just gnarled stalks of black against the sky. It was a shock coming from the sunny South. I've always said I hated Florida and would not want to live there, but for the first time I understand why people do it.

Just like I began to understand why people want to have another child as soon as mine was no longer a baby.

I need to get back on track. Lose the weight. Feel better. Do something with my damned nails.

The winter hates me.

But perhaps the flannel sheets will save me.

Til' tomorrow.

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