missing what's important

Saturday, Oct. 05, 2002 09:52

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I had to hit refresh seven times to get to a banner I could stomach long enough to write this entry.

It is another picture-perfect autumn day here at Case de Caribou. It must be Saturday because there's country music playing loudly from the next room. I love the country but there is a limit. Country is driving music, party music, or house cleaning music. Saturday morning music is more Dan Fogelberg, Joni Mitchell, or James Taylor. Mellow stuff that doesn't intefere with the enormous sinus headache I've acquired. But it's okay, I guess.

Today is the tea party for CWF. She asked yesterday if we could add a 4th to our party. Sure. I'm made of money. Actually, I look forward to meeting this woman; I've heard so much about her over the years. I look forward to the whole thing.

And I look forward to the whole thing being over. :)

She's coming over early to work with me on getting the proper system access from home. Then we're going to try to do her makeup. She never wears makeup ~ ever! But she wants to wear some at the wedding to make the pictures look good. Hopefully, I'm going to help her achieve that no-makeup look with makeup. We'll see.

Hubband rented "Monsoon Wedding" last night. He, of course, ran off to watch baseball through most of it. I thought most of it was very interesting. Everything except the music. I think that stuff will be stuck in my head for at least a month. (Maybe that's what's causing the headache?)

I'm mostly done with my homework. I corrected and printed out copies of the team paper (which sucked my ink cartridge dry) and then a copy of my corrected individual paper. I just have to make the transparencies and put together some cue cards for my presentation. I'll be glad to move on.

Speaking of which, I want to move on now. I have to pick out an outfit to wear to this shindig and get some other stuff going.

I feel like all I write in here any more is drivvel. There are important words and thoughts somewhere behind the fog. I just have to get to them.

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