Think I'll go lay down.

Monday, Sept. 02, 2002 11:09

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I've been on the PC for hours surfing the diet website. I joined a few support boards. I'm hoping the extra support will give me a boost.

I started the plan yesterday. The food was good and there was certainly more than enough available. But grocery shopping made me kind of depressed. Passing by all my favorite foods to grab this and that other diet meal. I was also worried that I would have to give up my new favorite hobby of cooking, but the dinner recipe turned out to be a rousing smash. Asian beef ~ Yum! Here's hoping that it works for me.

I finished the flower girl's wreath to wear in her hair. It seems a little big to me, but pretty. I took extra time to make sure all the pointy bits were covered so they wouldn't dig into her little head.

Nothing on the books today but a possible Sawyer Brown concert at the Arts, Beats & Eats festival. I'm kind of torn between looking forward to it and hoping it rains. (Which it is supposed to.)

I do that when I start something new. Retreat into myself. I want to get used to doing things a new way and pretend everything else is not a factor. I tried explaining that to Hubband yesterday. He wanted to grill and my meal didn't really call for that. I told him to go ahead. He didn't understand. He finally fired up the grill when I gave him a hunk of cow to put on for Boy. He grilled happily for the two of them while I chopped and stir-fried. We ate together on the deck. Just not the same thing!

Tomorrow is the meeting with the college counselor. Yikes. My worst fear is that I'll get fired before I finish and won't be able to continue. I'm sure I can do the work. I've been doing it for years. Just haven't been graded on it!

I'm feeling not quite myself these last couple of days. Allergies, most likely. Between the pending Autumn and spending hours in the dusty basement, I'm sure my sinuses are waving the white flag.

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