Lazy Daze

Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2002 08:25

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Yesterday I felt horrible all day. I had this pain that was alternately either a back pain or a stomach pain. Don't know what was going on. I think the back pain was due to the boat ride, Sunday. Our friend hit a large wake broadside and lifted me out of my seat, slamming me back down. She felt bad, but it wasn't her fault. Neither of us saw it coming. I'm not sure what's causing the other pain. (Perhaps I have "the vapors"?)

Well, we made it through Monday without getting anyone fired. Concensus is that it will be September before they make those types of decisions. We'll see. I'm on vacation next week so all I have to do is make it through these next two work days and I'm good until at least the 26th. (They fired HR chick the day she came back from her vacation.)

I spoke with a recruiter yesterday that has an opporunity I'm perfect for, unless they decide to only look at degreed candidates. It's a big corporate contract, so they might do something stupid like that. Here I am with 7 years experience in my field but they'd rather have someone with a wet piece of paper cause that's their "policy"

Don't get me started.

Anyway, I shipped off the resume and it's in the pipe now. We'll see. I think I'd like very much to move on at this point.

I'm sitting here wondering what to do today. I've got quite a lot I could be doing if I were so inclined. On the other hand, I've got things I want to be doing.

Isn't that always the way?

I'm waffling on the gym thing. Should I go today and drag boy along or should I go tonight alone? I'm definately going tomorrow after work. But it seems I have so much to do around here.

First and foremost, I need to finish those invitations, if only for my sanity. CoWorkerFriend's mother calls every other day with changes. Sweet woman, but driving me NUTS! Last night I had to drive over to CWF's house with my gold pen to change a number on one of the Canadian invitations. While there, I got roped into taking out her garbage and feeding her cats tomorrow.

I. Will. Not. Change. Litter.

They're cool with that and wouldn't have to ask me, except the person CWF hired to take care of the cats seems to be a slacker. (I think Lupe just eats a lot. She's a huge cat!)

For some reason, Walmart is calling to me. Weird. Might just haul out there anyway. I was going to go to the Farmer's Market, but it looks like I'll miss that.

I think it's going to be one of those lazy days.

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