Women In Leather and My Reasons

Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002 10:28

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The Sheryl Crow concert was wonderful. She is so awesome. Hubband was almost overcome with excitement and happiness for her. He's been such a huge fan for so many years now. She sang all my favorite songs from her latest album.

Train was good also. As was the rest of the Jeep Outdoor whatever it was. We enjoyed watching the ski-jump and snowboarding exhibitions. There was also a group called "Rubyhorse" on the 2nd stage that was very cool. Irish and kind of folksy. Apparently George Harrison played steel guitar on one of their tunes. They played it at the concert with his part on tape. Sounded very "Traveling Wilbury's". Which is a good thing.

Yup. The evening was nice and fun, right up to the point were we started to leave and Hubband started telling me what to do. (He, of course, being too drunk to drive.) Sparing details, we ended up in a huge fight on the way home. He's apologized profusely and thanked me many times for taking him. He even said he was wrong ~ which rarely happens.

Still, I'm enjoying watching him grimace through this morning's hangover. He's not complaining but I can see it in his eyes. Poooor Baby!

This morning we're going to mow CoWorkerFriend's lawn. She being in Scotland and her parents having MS and such, she needed some assistance. (I'm not sure why the fiancee can't do it but whatever.) I knew that as soon as I told Hubband I had volunteered to do it he would insist on taking over. (Cause I'm the woman, you see. He's still a little caveman like at times.)

Afterward we will make the trek out to our friend Tracy's house for boating and relaxing. It's a beautiful day, although a bit warm possibly. But isn't that the whole idea?

I want to thank everyone for their comments regarding my weightloss goals. I thought I had made it clear that this was a health-related mission and not a body-image thing.

Hubband loves me exactly as I am. He thinks I'm sexy and beautiful (and other men do too, it seems). I try to care for myself in a manner that brings out my best features. I don't dress or carry myself as a fat woman. I do what makes me comfortable.

I am, however, in a very unhealthy place right now. My blood pressure is high. My thyroid is out of whack. My back has returned to bothering me day and night. I don't sleep well.

I also have issues with society and the way that I fit (or don't) into it. Friday night I bruised my leg getting in and out of the bathroom stall at the concert venue. I couldn't sit with our family at Big Boy's graduation because my behind couldn't fit in the seat. I've had problems fitting into many movie, concert, sporting event seats. The clothes that fit me well are not only difficult to find, they are usually cheaply made and very expensive. I have problems with carnival rides and water parks and a number of other things.

Most of all I want to live to see my grandchildren and set an example of healthy eating for my son.

If (when) I lose this 100 nagging pounds, I'll still be overweight by most estimates. I will still be a curvy girl. I will still wear plus sized clothing. But I will be comfortable and at ease with my body and my life-style.

It is important to me to give this one more try. For me. Not because I want to look like Kate Moss but because I want to look and feel like me!

Thanks again for your support. (Steps off soap box.)

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