There's plenty of leftovers if you're in the neighborhood

Sunday, Dec. 15, 2002 10:06

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The party, as usual, was a success. I must admit that I was not into it as much this year as in years past. I was feeling bad about the huge, ugly argument Hubband and I had just moments before the party. (At least it was just the one.)

And then my SIL did the most incredible, unexpected thing.

When Hubband's parents were alive, they always had a big family party on Christmas Eve. They had the same menu every year, full of foods I was too picky an eater to enjoy. Dinner would be served in the basement and then we'd retire upstairs to enjoy dessert. "Dessert" consisted of trays of sweets, cookies, bon-bons and nuts. MIL always put hers out on a beautiful ceramic plate of deep green holly leaves with a round red candy dish in the center. It is beautiful and just one of those "things" that I associated with them and Christmas.

When MIL died SIL asked each of the relatives to make a list of things they might like to have. (I guess that works as well as anything, but at the time I hated it.) Among some other things, I had listed that candy dish. SIL explained that she had actually made the dish in ceramics class for her mother when she was young and, obviously, would like to keep it for herself. I had no problem with that idea at all.

Then this year, she arrived with her usual gifts of food and help and also this candy platter. I had thought she had brought it to display her confections for the party. But she was giving it to me. To keep. She said, "I was thinking how I never use it and you're the one who has the big party every year. You should have it."

I tell you, I almost broke down in tears right then and there.

It may seem like nothing, but I have never been as close to Hubband's family as I would like. I think a lot of that has to do with me having been raised by wolves. Or at least lesser mannered humans. A lot of it also has to do with me learning to keep my mouth shut and to accept help once in awhile. And maybe the fact that I've always been there, loving her brother, trying to be a part of his family. Lately, I just feel like she's bringing me into the fold.

The rest of the evening went fine. A little discomfort when CWF and husband arrived seconds before the JB's. But CWF left early, feigning a dinner that didn't settle well. Afterward I breathed a sigh of relief and moved on to enjoy the rest of the evening. The food worked well and, excepting the two tablecloths, nothing got broken. It is truly wonderful to have so many good friends.

Now I think I'll shower and see about helping my Hubband clean up all this mess. Peace to you all.

1 comments so far

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