Dude, let's buy a car

Thursday, Jun. 27, 2002 09:03

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Today is our first official day of summer here at chez Caribou. Little Boy had his last half-day of school yesterday. Tuesday afternoon was his class party. They had a clown who did baloon animals and face painting. Observe:

They also had pizza, cookies, candy and other assorted messy things. Loud, rowdy fun was had by all. I think I even had a good time. My cookies were a big hit with the other mommies.

Beloved Teacher and I had ourselves a nice little cry over the fact that Little Boy (and I) will be leaving her loving care after two years. She is truly wonderful and it so shows in how our boy has changed. I hope we can continue the skills we've learned into next year's relationship.

Sunday's dinner with Grandma became a big deal after we realized her 20-year-old Chevy was leaking gasoline all over the parking lot of her apartment complex. Hubband pushed it to a parking spot away from the buildings and advised her not to start it under any conditions. Apparently she had known it was leaking for about a week now.

That was the last straw. No amount of our pleading was going to make Grandma think she could live without a vehicle. Since it seemed my mother was beyond the task of helping Grandma through her first car purchase that wasn't cash on the barrel head, I guessed it was going to be me.

I spent Sunday night in a completely unproductive funk, more than whelmed by the tasks I had coming up. At that point I still had to make three teacher's gifts, two dozen cookies, work on Monday and attend the party on Tuesday at 1:30. I had told Grandma I would take her car shopping between dropping Little Boy off at 9:00 and the party in the afternoon.

Uh, yeah...

So, wasting several hours in a deer/headlights catatonia, I decided I would just call off on Monday and take care of it then.

We ended up leasing Grandma a nice new car, rather sporty and quite comfortable for people of our girth. It's about the same size as her other car, so I don't think she'll have any problems once she gets used to two decades of innovation.

My mother, child that she is, was annoyed with me because I let Grandma lease instead of buy, because it was new instead of used, etc. But that would be her problem. I reminded her that she has had months to work with her mother on this and have it turn out her way in the end (which would have benefitted no one, but she's not a forward thinker). Since she fought it until it had to be done, we get to do it my way.

She got a 3-year lease, at the end of which she will be 85 years old. We'll be able to buy the car for 10 grand and I think by that time, one or the both of Hubband and I will be ready to get out from under our current vehicles. In the mean time she has a fully warranteed, safe, reliable automobile for under $200 a month. I can't imagine anything else working out for her.

My cell phone rang yesterday on the way into work. It was the wonderful JB. She sounded funny so I immediately asked what was wrong. She was actually calling to tell me she'd gotten the job at one of the big three she'd been wanting. She'll be on vacation next week and then the week after will be her last week.

I am happy for her because this is what she wants. I also have confidence that she and I will remain friends. I know that's been a problem for me - defining the difference between "work friends" and "real friends", but I think she's a real friend. And this is what she wants so I can't be too unhappy.

Then we come to my selfish side and wonder how this will effect me. I have a week's vacation planned during a time when CoWorker Friend will be in Europe. That leaves a pretty slim department behind. Also, there has been mention of me coming back full time, but nothing official.

Do I want to even do this now? Would turning it down mean they decide they can do without me, too? (That's the way these people think, I swear!) Ideally, I would stay part time through August and return full time when Little Boy is back in school. But that would defeat the purpose of covering CoWorker Friend's month-long August vacation.

I can't deny the extra money would be nice, but I so enjoy these days off. On the other hand, I haven't been as productive with this time as I would have liked, so maybe the routine of work would be good for me.

Then again, perhaps I should wait until the offer is made, hmmm?

Well, I have a ton to do this morning before we can go to the beach. (Hoping the weather will comply and become nice this afternoon.) Preparing for a herd of 10-year-olds to celebrate Little Boy's birthday this weekend. Spent last night shopping for presents. Turns out that gets a lot more difficult and much more expensive as they approach the teen years. So, I should get going on this stuff.


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