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Thursday, Jan. 17, 2002 17:57

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Yesterday's snow is now just a minor hinderance. So little snow that in fact it is now a gloppy black mess at the edges of roadways. Just enough that when I'm on the expressway I have to use the window washers about every 1/2 mile. (Not even enough for the intermittant setting on the wipers.)

One good thing; it kept people out of the gym this morning. Nice. I was thoroughly enjoying myself right up until the moment I missed the catch on the Body Masters Super Seated Leg Press and found myself wedged between a big steel footrest and 180 pounds of weights. Being not nearly as painful as it was embarassing, I took a minute or two to sit and think about my plight. Then I tried to discreetly uncork my body from its position. I managed this quite well, since the machine is located in a corner, facing the window. (Probably for just such an occasion.)

After I weasled myself out, I quickly made sure no one was (openly) laughing at me and that all my clothing was still where it should be. Then I tried to put the machine to rights and realized I couldn't do it one my own. I had to ask CTB Steve (who won the Lotto and got to be on a TV commercial telling everyone he used the money to pay off his student loans) for help. He said sure and picked up his end quickly. I was, unfortunately, a step behind him so when he put his end of the big heavy machine down, my end landed on my hand.

I didn't scream or cry, however. I just asked if he could help me out again. Then I went far, far away from the machine. Perhaps this is a machine I should use only with a spotter?

We have Teacher Conferences next week. These are the ones where only the parents whose kids are having troubles get called in. Even though Little Boy has learning issues, we're usually so in touch with his teachers we don't get tapped. But this time we did. So I brought the subject up with his teacher today, just to let her know we were aware of issues: Will he be held back in the 4th grade?

My thinking is that I would rather he be held back in 4th grade than in 5th grade when all his classmates will be going off to middle school. I don't think he's ready for 5th grade and the thought of middle school - where things are tough and kids are at their most cruel - is very frightening to me.

He doesn't seem to have improved at all in his writing and very little in his reading. He's a math whiz and is pretty good with any of the concepts they're teaching. He's just not good with anything that requires "in the moment" concentration.

I know I've probably babied him. How much of that is for my own sanity over his welfare, I'm no longer sure. I'm trying not to do that so much. Trying to make him more responsible for himself. It's scary.

There are still things he always gets wrong, too. He always forgets to put his name on his work. He always forgets to turn out lights and put his clothes in the hamper. (I know, you're thinking I do the same thing, but it's different.) He forgets to close doors. God forbid he should forget to look before crossing a street.

We'll see what she says in a week. In the meantime, I should make sure I'm giving him what he needs - both in attention and freedom.

Good news, though! We finished the first Harry Potter book and are onto the second. (If I could only get him to love reading as much as he loves being read to.)

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