Loud neighbors and growing boys

Thursday, Apr. 18, 2002 22:33

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Our neighbor has been on a bender for two days.

I think I might have to kill him.

I've talked about his benders before. They usually involve bluesy-rock music - heavy on the bass - played at loud volumes through the night. If we're especially lucky he will attempt to accompany such tunes on his bass guitar and/or drums. Most of the time it doesn't bother us much. But this has been an especially grueling session. It started Wednesday afternoon...was still going strong this morning when I was running errands...paused for a brief interlude this afternoon...then kicked up even louder around dinner time.

He also tends to take all his phone calls on the front porch when he's plowed. His front porch is about six feet from the window on my left. It's looking good though! He just got done telling someone who's a "Fucker" and a "Puss-Puss" that he'll hopefully be there in about a half hour if the "Fucking Bitch" would just show up.

I don't think he was talking about his girlfriend, either.

This guy should be the poster child for AA. Totally nice guy when he's sober. Total moron when he's toast.

I went to Aqua class last night so I could spend today cleaning out the closet in Big Boy's room. I was about 70% done (you know; that stage where everything is out of the closet and piled around the room and you know where it's supposed to go but it's not quite there yet?) and Big Boy popped in with The Girl. Seems she was getting a trial Prom-Do and they decided to get all dressed up to go with her hair and do dinner. 'Ceptin' he couldn't find his suit or his shirt because they were here (duh!). Ended up that the suite is too small anyway so he dressed up in his dad's clothes which fit perfectly. (If that's not an "ouch" moment for a parent, I don't know what is.)

I now have all my crafting stuff organized in the closet. I had run out of room in my previous storage space. Plus it involved bending over and moving furniture to get to anything. I had wanted to set up an area in there where I could actually DO the crafting (it's a HUGE closet) but I don't really have the setup for that just yet.

Hubband and I had a tiny altercation. Earlier this week he had asked me if I could get Little Boy's perscription from the Dr.'s office. Normally, I don't mind doing this, but today I had plans to do the afore mentioned closet cleaning thing. (Which, shopping for organizers included, took about 12 hours.) Since he has Monday off, I suggested he might do it himself this time. Like I said - I'm the part-time partner and fully expect to have to do certain "chores" on my days off. I just perfer to do them on my time table. So he said sure.

Then this afternoon he calls - just as I was trying to get to a point in my closet drama where I could go pick up Little Boy from school - and says he's called the script in and can I just go pick it up?


At this point I'm all sweaty and the makeup that was on my eyes this morning is somewhere near my upper lip. I smell, quite frankly, and the Dr.'s office is in a part of town that is hell to get to during rush hour and even worse to get out of. And her staff is kind of cranky.

He thinks I'm just being lazy and doesn't understand that I would have worked it into my schedule if I knew I had to do it but now it's a pain in the buttocks! It's just his passive-aggressive thing where he agrees with me just to avoid conflict and then does thing whatever the way he wants to anyway. Urgh!

We talked and it's okay now. And now he's snoozing away on the sofa, secure in the knowledge that I did what he wanted anyway.

And he probably still doesn't understand why I was upset.

Hey, Neighbor Guy! She's not comin'! Just go meet your buds at the bar and give me some peace! Take your ribbin' like a man but turn the damned stereo down 'cause I don't really like Hendrix as much as the ZZ Top you were playing earlier and I might have the be the bitch that calls the cops this time.

Pray for me and for weather that allows me to close all the windows.

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