Lucky Girl, I'm

Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2002 18:06

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All day yesterday I was exhausted from my Oscar-fest of Sunday night. I guess I'm just too damned old to be staying up until 1am and then trying to get up and go to work 5 hours later. So I stumbled through the day, imbibing enough caffiene to give me a tummy ache, and doing as little as possible. (This meant there was very little I could screw up!) I even managed to get home without wrecking the car and killing someone.

Once home, I was able to maintain. I helped Little Boy finish the math homework he had (no more homework for two weeks!) and fell immediately to the sofa where I stayed without moving for the next two hours, watching recaps of the 4+ hour program that put me in the condition I was in. (I was really trying to find out why Will Smith left in the middle of the awards. Turns out his baby was sick and they had to take her to the hospital. Just like real parents. Hmmmm.)

Around 8pm, I got my second wind and Hubband and I put some dinner together for ourselves (LB eats way earlier). Then I read to LB and heard about his field trip to the 52nd District Court. (He was so cute. He insisted on wearing a suit and tie, impressing the heck out of his teacher and the judge.)

With LB tucked into bed, I joined Hubband on the couch to watch some TV. As I sat there, Hubband reclined and rested his legs on my lap. I reached over and rubbed his belly. (Get your mind out of the gutter, kids. I was just rubbing the belly.) The show we were watching was hysterical and in between laughing fits I realized I was sitting in the middle of everything I've ever wanted in life.

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