Mellow Morning

Thursday, May. 16, 2002 07:46

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Last night was another relaxing, luscious spring evening. It was a little chilly, but at least the sun was shining. Hubband and I spent a few hours on the deck, enjoying our beverages of choice. I was reading the surprise book he'd bought me on wine. He was doodling about the yard.

Another cool thing? I spotted another woodpecker. This one was either a Hairy-Coated or Downy-Coated variety. I think this is the fella I've been hearing in the morning. We've an abundance of Yellow-Shafted Flickers, which we usually see on the lawns after a good rain, but this is the first glimpse I've had of the new guy.

As I figured, yesterday went very quickly. Aside from the argument I had again with TG about whether or not it's his responsibility to check up on me, it was a quiet day. I swear this guy just doesn't get it. This time, when he just wouldn't let it go, I asked him to join me in Boss-Man's office where I told him quite calmly that this is the man he needs to see if he thinks I'm not doing something right. Otherwise he should mind his own business. He came back with more arguments, making the mistake of using Coworker-Friend's name a few times. Then she was in the office and it was three against one. He didn't have a chance.

I suppose I did overreact. I should have just let it go. But I've asked this guy repeatedly not to monitor my job performance and he continues just the same. It might be different if this guy hasn't screwed up major about six ways from Sunday. He might just want to keep an eye on his own work and leave me the *&^% alone.

We were all speaking cordially enough by the time we left the office and had come up with a stop-gap to assist in making sure certain steps aren't missed. Hopefully, he'll get the message.

Hubband and I talked about our little getaway last night. We've both decided it's been too long since we've been away together. (Has it only been a year? Oh, my! Feels like forever!) We're still tossing around places to go. He wants to stay somewhere close, I want to go somewhere I've never been. I feel like I've done Michigan and would really like to move on to another area. We'll see.

Also, he's made plans to attend an out of town Lion's game with his buds this fall. They're going to Buffalo in late October. Hubband's cousin lives near there with his family and they are some of the sweetest people on the planet. He's planning to stay with them and we might just make a family trip out of the deal.

Not really minding the thought of working today. I'm looking forward to the long weekend. It's no longer calling for snow in the forcast, but is still not going to be very warm. I remember the year I was pregnant with Little Boy. We helped friends install a new liner in their pool on Memorial Day weekend. We froze our patooties off. Kept having to go in and put more clothes on. At least they're calling for an end to the rain and gloom by tomorrow.

I'm not even paying attention to the long range forcasts. If they say it's going to rain next weekend I'll just scream.

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