All this time? I just missed the sun

Friday, Apr. 12, 2002 07:36

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Yesterday was THE most beautiful day EVER! Sun and warm and breeze and birds and flowers. It was staggering. And it was also one of those days where it seemed like everything came together. I felt productive. I felt like it was possible to meet even my most ambitious goals. Wheeee!

I started the day at the gym, even though every fiber of my being wanted to just skip it and enjoy the day. I "enjoyed" another good workout and felt like I'm back into it. I stepped on the scale again and it said I was down a pound. I think that's just not a good thing for me to keep doing, though. I decided I will only weigh myself monthly. Then I read an article that supported that theory, so there you go.

After working out, I had lunch in the park. I just couldn't get enough of the day! I didn't want to go home yet, so I drove in search of a stamp store on my list that I hadn't tried. I found the store and it was okay. I actually didn't buy anything. They didn't have anything I needed! I think I really have all the stuff now. But then I went to a store down the block. I've passed this store many times and wondered what it was like. Why did it catch my eye? Well, first of all it's purple. That kind of stands out in the funky little rundown area it's in. Second, the name is pretty cool. It's called "Catching Fireflies". Turns out it's a combination gift store and gallery of this couples paper/fabric collage art. They make these gorgeous frames and journals and such. Just the kind of thing I'd like to do. But besides that, they have wonderful beaded pieces and funky magnets and such. And the prices seemed very reasonable to me.

I purchased the following: 2 books of quotations; one Shakespere and one on Love. ($1 each) 2 books of fine art stickers; one Hopper and one Renoir. ($1.50 each) A glass star charm, to go with my collection at work. ($2) A pair of gorgeously delicate earrings. ($14) This incredible hand and body cream that smells like...I don't know. But I want to get a spoon and eat it it's so good. ($8 Huge Jar!)

I also got a single serving size of a product I've read about recently called the "One-Minute Manicure". It's a bit pricey at $30 for the jar, but the sample was only $1.50. Man, that stuff is great!!! I used it last night and my hands were so soft afterward! Still are actually!

That was about all I could handle, I think. Loved that place. Want to go back with unlimited spending power. Want to work there. Sigh.

After leaving there and grabbing some essentials at the grocery, I came home and opened every damned window in the house. I challenged the breeze to blow out the funk of winter and breath new life into my home. It was great. I was so hyper I just bounced around the house from task to task, leaving on job half finished to start something else. Wouldn't you know it? When I was flopped on the sofa surfing "The Osbornes" is when Big Boy pops in the back door.

But he had the announcements, which is great. Hubband is getting stamps today and I've got my projects in line for next week, I guess!.

Big Boy left quickly, Little Boy was all about being outside with his friends and Hubband was bowling that night so I had the whole house to myself. I ripped through my overwhelming stack of 50 or so magazines, bringing it down to a managable 6! I did the dishes! I de-stemmed and washed the grapes! I put all the clothes away! I made the bed! I finished the gift I made for co-worker friend and wrapped my grandmother's replacement birthday gifts. I cleaned out the car. I made pizza. I taped "Survivor". I was a productive and highly organized machine by the time Hubband got home.

And I was not prepared for his loud yelling about "Survivor" and the mouse not working right and the situation in the Middle East. I kind of indicated he should go out and come back in again and see if perhaps he couldn't act like he was glad to see me after being apart for almost 24 hours. He didn't understand.

I think actually, it was me who wasn't ready to be interrupted.

Today? Off to work in the deluge of thunderstorms heading our way! Whoo-hoo! If it has to rain? I might as well be working.

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