It's got to be the morning after

Monday, Feb. 04, 2002 07:10

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Why couldn't they close school today? We've got wind chills in the negative digits, snowy white-out conditions and lots of people with way too little sleep.

I so wish the rest of the world would consider my needs.

Seriously, I drank way too much caffiene yesterday and didn't get to sleep until way past midnight. Our little party was fun, but I do wish they would schedule the Super Bowl a couple of hours earlier in the day. It makes for such a late night, especially for Little Boy. No one really drank a lot (at least no one that didn't live here) so we didn't have to worry about people driving home.

Hubband's idea to sell squares didn't turn out so well. People weren't really into it so we ended up buying up most of the squares, therefore winning 3 of 4 quarters. It felt kind of slimy. "Please come to our house and give us your money." Hubby also won 3 quarters on the other pools he was running from his work, so we came away in the good. Which is good because we can sure use it right now.

The game was interesting. I like the yellow line thingy, made it much easier for me to follow the action and it was as obtrusive as the blue puck in hockey. The commercials were, for the most part, lame. Ate way, way, way too much yummy munchies.

Now I must go forth into the world. Brrrrrr!

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